The Halcyon Days

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The Halcyon Days

Post by Terry » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:52 pm

A Flash Back
This was one of my earlier attempts at written comps.
It won the emerging poet and got something in the open section as well,
If I remember correctly


He lay there quietly dreaming of his fishing days long past,
of when the streams ran pure and clean and creeks flowed deep and fast.
Where trout were fat and fighting fit as wild trout always are,
and those that dwelt in forest streams the sweetest fish by far.

With karri forest still pristine; (clear felling yet to come),
he now recalls the big fish pool down by the old Red Gum.
And sees the creek come tumbling down to kiss the pool below,
and there he watched his speckled friends those many years ago.

His daydreams grow more vivid as the hours drift slowly by,
he dreams he walks the streams again with trusty rod and fly.
And soon his dream has come alive with summer in the air,
the heady smell of eucalypt now wafts from everywhere.

Cicada’s sing their noisy song with summer on the way -
the forest now seems full of life out on this balmy day.
The birds are singing in the trees while insects buzz about,
and it was good to be alive to seek the wily trout.

He hears the forest whisper as the wind now stirs the trees,
and high up in the canopy the constant hum of bees.
The gentle trickling of the brook is music to his ears,
as in his dreams he lives again those happy carefree years.

She looks down fondly at him and tears glisten in her eye,
recalling him in younger days when he was fit and spry.
When he had been her hero to protect her come what may,
until old age diminished him to what he is today.

Awakened from his day dreams by his Daughters gentle touch -
a tender kiss upon his cheek; a look that tells him much.
He tells her not to worry things are not as they may seem,
although he can no longer walk, he still knows how to dream.


© T.E. Piggott

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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by alongtimegone » Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:52 am

Good one Terry. A little sad but true. I imagine many of us spend some time reliving times past in happy pursuits. I know I do and coincidentally it is often about fishing. Really enjoyed that one as is usual with your writing.

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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Terry » Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:53 pm

Thanks Wazza

That was written about 16 years ago - just learning the craft.


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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Ron » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:24 am

A worthy winner too Terry.
An enjoyable read, and you captured the dreams in descriptive perfection. (could be a fair bit of first hand experience there I suspect :D )

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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Terry » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:25 pm

Hi Ron and thanks,

I was browsing back through some old stuff and came across this.
Like most of us I suspect, I'd been scribbling the odd poem for years,
then decided to enter a couple into comps, hoping to learn a bit about how to write our sort of poetry.
I quickly learnt there was plenty I didn't know and I'm still learning mate.



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Catherine Lee
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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:08 pm

This is beautiful, Terry. All senses used to create the atmosphere, paint the picture, and transport people to the spot - as always, from you! There are some lovely lines (love that last one) and I'm not at all surprised it won the award. Written so long ago and so obviously yours in its imagery. A most worthy prizewinner, and I love it!

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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Terry » Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:38 pm

Thanks Catherine

As mentioned, this was a bit of a trip back down memory lane.
I had ben scratching the odd poem for many years,
but suddenly decided it was time to improve my efforts a bit - I'm still trying.
My interest started back in my school days by a Nun called Sister Etna.
Which is strange really because she was super strict - I can still remember often getting the cuts from her.
But the saving grace was that she was passionate about poetry.


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue May 07, 2024 10:47 pm

Good on Sister Etna - she would be so proud of you now :D And if you wrote that when you were still 'learning' your craft leaves me in awe. Your words and the storyline are beautifully crafted Terry - I love it
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: The Halcyon Days

Post by Terry » Thu May 09, 2024 5:17 pm

Thanks Maureen

As I mentioned I had been scratching the odd poem for years,
and I guess they must have been a bit rough; Valerie Read was the first one to offer advice,
I've always been grateful to her.


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