Homework for March - Whale Song

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Catherine Lee
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Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:02 pm

Sorry it's miserable - but it was literally the first thing that popped into my head with the prompt, 'no one gets left behind' !

Whale Song

The ocean heaved and parted; silver spume erupted forth
as barnacles came slowly into sight.
Beneath the stars she breached and gasped whilst struggling to survive
beneath the gleaming stars that lit the night.
Convinced of safety dead ahead, a place to rest and heal,
an undiscovered sanctuary on shore
where rest and healing waited, she swam resolutely on
oblivious to peril there in store.

The strong foundations, instinct’s law that ruled the loyal pod
of giants through the endless open seas
ensured the others followed to protect their matriarch,
whose song continued, led them by degrees.
She reached the shallows, journey over, realized too late
she’d piloted them all towards their doom,
her cries of warning useless now within that sheltered cove
where all now thrashed inside their stranded tomb.

As would-be helpers gazed aghast and helpless at the sight
appalled at this disaster of their kind
(colossal creatures milling round, supporting to the death,
for no one ever does get left behind),
their dedication left us breathless, weeping in despair.
We raged at nature - couldn’t understand!
Though frantically we poured the buckets well into the dawn,
their blood just coloured red the golden sand.

© Catherine Lee

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:35 pm

Oh Lordy - not miserable really, just true to nature which you have captured well, and I love it .... whales are such intelligent and yet quite mysterious creatures that have survived (no thanks to humans) for centuries - I love them. Being up close and personal with them is a scary experience, but on the one occasion when I was lucky enough to experience it, it was an extremely moving experience , and I really felt for just that few seconds of eye contact that we were indeed communicating. It made me cry :cry: and I have felt such an affinity with them ever since.

I love your poem Catherine - just beautiful. Thank you
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Terry » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:22 pm

Hi Catherine

Sometimes the first thing that comes into your mind makes the best poems.
You have told the story of how this happens.

Beautifully written as always Catherine and it highlights, one of nature's recurring tragedies.
I could sense their agony, and also the despair of those trying to save them.

We have had a couple of recent strandings over here recently.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:53 pm

Thank you so much, Maureen and Terry. I actually had second thoughts about posting this, so you have reassured me greatly. Afterwards I even thought I could possibly delete and edit it to somehow make it a happy ending, but after Googling for a while realized I was right in that sadly statistics showed that this wasn’t a realistic scenario, so left it as it was. Yes, it is indeed a sad but true fact of nature, and it breaks my heart when I hear of this happening. I have only seen whales a couple of times - once from a boat in NZ and once from the shore in Sydney, but I live in hope to see more – they are indeed incredible, majestic, sensate creatures and always very moving to witness, as you rightly say, Maureen, and I cried when I saw them too. Thank you both so much once again.

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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Ron » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:33 pm

Certainly not miserable at all Catherine and glad you posted it!
I have only seen whales in the ocean once, and there is certainly something majestic about these amazing creatures isn't there.
As you have shown in the poem it is a sad reality of nature and I think the ending captures the sad plight perfectly.
Enjoyed the read thank you, well done.

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Gary Harding
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Gary Harding » Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:30 pm

Well done again, Catherine.

An interesting narrative poem which is short and punchy.
A tricky tale perhaps to tell with its twists and turns.. while observing correct rhyme and meter too.

IMO, brevity is the soul of poetry if one is writing for the public as opposed to fellow enthusiasts.. and your Whale Song is a good short verse which is easily followed.

I gather you more or less put it down fairly rapidly, so that makes it all the more impressive. Again, nicely done!

Yes, it is a big shame that she did not heroically pilot them all to their salvation rather than their doom. Darn! Not that I am suggesting a re-write or anything. It definitely has all the (well-established by now) hallmarks of your personal style.. powerful adjectives and strong phrases etc.

I do prefer a happy ending though as there is too much sadness in the world... or rather there probably isn't, it is just that "it is what sells papers" as they say.

I look around and see only happiness and contentment around here.. except for the poor older lady down the road who just went to NZ, north of Wellington, walked through the tall grass thinking "no snakes in NZ" and promptly stepped in a rabbit hole, stumbling and fracturing her ribs.

Hervey Bay has a huge tourism thing with Whale Watching. I went out with a mate from Victoria on a perfectly flat-calm day and there were so many whales you just about had to kick them out of the way... oops, well not literally of course! Breaching, blowing and swimming with calves next to the tourist boat. You could almost have leaned over the side and patted them.. maybe even thrown them a Vegemite sandwich... (whale-meat sandwiches being off the boat's menu naturally, being a civilised country).

I always look forward to your poetic work, and reading Whale Song has honestly helped to make my day. Lifted it. Thank you!!

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:18 pm

It was on a whale watching tour at Hervey Bay that I had my whale encounter Gary ...I was feeling sea sick and so was sitting in the stern of the boat getting some air - all the other passengers were over on one side watching some whales frolicking when all of a sudden, almost as silent as a ghost this whale spy hopped literally an arms length away from me and made eye contact WOW! Literally one of the highlights of my life and the catalyst for me writing my poem "The wisdom of the world is in his eyes" which is on the site here and written way back in 2010/11
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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for March - Whale Song

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:56 pm

Thanks so much, Ron and Gary. Yes Ron, it is very sad, and it breaks my heart to see any such reports of these majestic creatures being stranded; it’s very difficult to watch, especially as we humans are pretty helpless in the face of it! Thank you for your warm feedback... As for you Gary - yes, I know you love a happy ending, but it was the very first thing that popped into my head so I just went with it. Thank you for your kind comments on the poem also…. Wow, you were so fortunate to see so many whales so close at Hervey Bay that time – as were you, Maureen! That eye contact must have been incredible, and I would dearly love to experience this one day as my experiences were both at more of a distance. Thank you all !!

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