Poet Laureate Selection

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Bob Pacey
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Poet Laureate Selection

Post by Bob Pacey » Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:41 am

Funny how The Selection of A Poet Laureate seems to have gone rather quiet. I just hope it will not be given to some Hob Nob from the city who knows nothing about the real Australia and Australians.

The Poet Laureate embodies the voice of an entire nation and with the appointment of it's very first poet laureate Australia has an unmissable opportunity under The Programme called Revive ( A place for every story, a story for every place ) Go to the site and have your say or send an e mail to culturalpolicy@arts.gov.au asking for how you can be involved in this programme.

Well there is no doubt about my view on the subject.
Our Poet Laureate

With the building of our nation comes traditional history
and those who express their love of this great land.
Who has not heard the rhyming of our poets from the past
as they relay in verse our Nations history oh so grand.

I love a sunburnt country a land of sweeping plains
of ragged mountain ranges of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons I love her Jewel-sea
her beauty and her terror The wide brown land for me.

The words that Dorothea penned are entrenched in every soul
as is Banjo’s story of The Man from Ironbark.
Bush Poetry tells our stories as no other medium can
and within our very souls it leaves a mark.

Our governments now has decreed that we need a Poet Laureate
to represent our nations National pride.
Someone who will be the keeper of our history and our past
who will make sure that it is shared both far and wide.

Who will fill this position is the question we must ask
and how will this selection now be made.
For me it is the people who must have the final say,
and the selected poet must really make the grade.

A committee formed by literary groups will oversee selection
but will this system please all the people of our land.
Can some hob nobs from the city be entrusted with the task.
of making sure the winner represents us and our brand?

Lets put it to the people and see how they will vote
for it is them this Poet must represent in time.
They must tell the stories of our nation in a way we understand
and for most, well that will always be in Rhyme.

Yes Bush Poetry is unique and as Aussie as can be
be it round a campfire or in some backyard with a beer
And there is no better way to tell our stories and pass our memories on
then in the poetry style that we all hold so dear.

Stand up and be counted now before it is to late
let our politicians know we want to have a say.
If we don’t they will continue with the plans they have in hand
and for me well there can be no shades of grey.

So when we are looking for someone to represent our nation
and relate our stories in a way that stands the test of time.
Make sure considerations given to the style in which they write
for our histories so much better told in rhyme.

Bob Pacey ©
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Poet Laureate Selection

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Aug 26, 2023 8:20 am

Yep, I think we are all hearing you, Bob!

I read somewhere that bush poetry was our first pop culture. And as Greg North notes in his latest book “The Life and Rhymes of Banjo Paterson”, Banjo and Henry Lawson were the cultural celebrities of their day, somewhat akin to today’s pop stars.

No doubt about it, our stories certainly are better told in rhyme, as you say.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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