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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8097
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast


Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Mar 04, 2023 12:05 pm

SEND HER DOWN HUEY ... Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

The day was stinking hot and they'd both worked up a sweat
the horses hide was white with foam, the ringer wringing wet¬¬¬¬¬
The red dust billowed at their feet, bulls bellowed at the gate
and overhead relentless shone old Sol their fiery mate.
No breath of breeze gave solace - 'twas too hot for birds to fly.
Even the flies were buggered as they clustered round the eye
of the cattle, seeking moisture, which the cattle were as well
where they gathered round the water troughs beneath the windmills spell.

Above the storm clouds gathered but false promises they gave
'twas almost a daily ritual but despite how hard they prayed
not a single drop of moisture was released to give relief
just the routine daily torture that simply beggared belief.

She's a hard life in the outback and when the Mother has turned
away from those who love her and who for her have oft yearned -
then it's hard to take rejection and a bloke's thoughts can turn black.
Takes a strong man to keep going for there is no turning back.
Every day here is a challenge both to animals and man
but they find the strength within them to continue's a plan
that lies deep in their genetics - it's the old survival game.
Don't look back just keep on going knowing one day it will rain.

Above the storm clouds gathered but they're merely passing through
it's not our turn beneath a cloud - there's nothing we can do.
We take the good 'long with the bad for that's the farming game
but God it makes a difference when we get a bit of rain.

When it does the heavens open and they send a great outpour
that drenches the trees and pastures in a mighty flooding roar
and the creeks begin to trickle and the dams begin to fill
whilst the sound of children's laughter is the thing that fits the bill
as they jump in muddy puddles, splashing red mud everywhere.
On their clothes and on their faces, soaking everything - Who cares!
for these kids have never seen rain and the youngest now is three
so it's cause for celebration and they're greeting it with glee.

Above the storm clouds gathered, now the promises they made
they delivered - Hallelujah! 'twas a winning hand they played
and each single drop of moisture was greeted with much relief
as broad smiles on careworn faces replaced deep frown lines of grief.

In the paddock roos were hopping out, rejoicing in the wet,
little joeys left their mothers pouch to play and graze and stretch.
Ribby cattle stood to let the water soak their dusty hides
as they raised their muzzles skywards - for the moment free of flies.
Pobblebonk frogs start croaking their familiar bonking song -
it was wonderful to hear it for they've been silent so long,
and the old geese and the gander take a flapping waddling run
to the dam - they are excited for they know the rains have come.

Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

Posts: 777
Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:55 pm
Location: Blue Mtns.


Post by Ron » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:07 pm

Good one Maureen,
Certainly depicts our land of 'droughts and flooding rains' with some great descriptive lines.
How fortunate we are these days with our air conditioners and other mod-cons.
Enjoyed the read, well done.

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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8097
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast


Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:11 pm

Thank You Ron
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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