a lonely life

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william williams

a lonely life

Post by william williams » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:06 am

The tale of a lonely life

He was old, stooped and lean, as he limped along that quiet bush road, his stride, not much more than a shuffle while his old dog followed him as the dust rose from his boots as he steadily moved carrying his swag, for even though it was old, it was neatly tied with rope as it hung down his back.

Do you want a lift old timer I asked, and your dog he can ride in the back?
His swag, he gently placed it in the back, and his dog rode there beside it.

His bones, they creaked, as he climbed into that Ute on that lonely track,
He thanked me, then quietly he cleared his throat, and softly started to speak, .

He told of the floods and droughts, the peace and solitude, that he had experienced, and how life had been both good and bad to him; He didn’t mind that so much, for he had seen it all.

Life, she ain’t changed much with the passing of time but people they have you see. Why look at me, he said I‘ve worked on stations, crutched, and shorn, though not as good as some, and at times I’ve cut firewood for my tucker and a few bob before moving on to the next place. I know many years have now passed, but I still I keep travelling on doing my little bit.

I nodded as I drove and listened with interest for it was good to hear the old chap speak. He told how he worked in the mines at Broken Hill and how he’d tried to be a cook’s assistant at the mine, but that was not for him he said.

I kept on driving, not caring that I had travelled on well past my turn as I listened to him.

Suddenly, he stopped talking, and looked at me with a queer look on his face.
Young chap, he said, you have gone well past the place where your turn off is he stated, Please stop and let me off, for I will not accept charity, for my dog and I can still walk.

I slowly stopped the Ute. Before you get out, would you do me the honour old chap and stay at my place with your dog, and let me write about your life story.
He thought about that for a minute and then, with the good will and the carefree grace that many old timers have, he did just that.

Now you see that little yard with the cross, over near the slip rail, that’s his grave, you see, I know the rest of his the story very well, for he and I, became mates.

Written by Bill Williams

Posts: 3338
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: a lonely life

Post by Terry » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:38 am

Hi Bill,
Good yarn Mate,
I'm getting away from your story a bit, but I've often wondered what the story was behind quite a few lonely graves I've stumbled across throughout the gold fields over here. Some are barely recognizable as graves while other although in the middle of nowhere and miles from anywhere had been at one time carefully attended to. There must be hundreds of old graves scattered through the fields as well as the many old grave yards.

Cheers Terry

william williams

Re: a lonely life

Post by william williams » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:29 pm

very true Terry there are thousands of grave with storys to tell now lost forever

David J Delaney

Re: a lonely life

Post by David J Delaney » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:33 pm

Oooooh!!..I did enjoy this Bill, well done eh!

Jasper Brush

Re: a lonely life

Post by Jasper Brush » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:20 pm

G'day, Bill as I've said before you write a good story/prose.

Again a good reciteable story. :D

Good yarn mate.


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