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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8097
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast


Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:24 am

This is a copy of the email I received from David Pahlke, the founder and long standing backbone of The Ipswich Poetry Feast. I am sure that any of you who have ever entered this competition would agree that it would be an absolute shame to see it closed down, so perhaps a few extra voices could make a difference. Perhaps you might take the time to send a message to Caroline ... ... expressing your views/support


Greg Chemello the Council Administrator passed this through FULL COUNCIL
This week.

IPSWICH POETRY FEAST COMMITTEE ... With reference to a report by the Library Services Manager dated 26 October 2018 concerning the Ipswich Poetry Feast Committee.
RECOMMENDATION That the Interim Administrator of Ipswich City Council resolve: That Council (Interim Administrator of Ipswich City Council) dissolve the Ipswich Poetry Feast Committee as an advisory group of Council.

Read the Recommendation and the Media Release below, which started our concerns of what actually would now happen or change in regards to the Poetry Feast. I certainly was somewhat stunned when I read the below. I was aware all committees were under review and was waiting and waiting, to see what happened to the Poetry Feast. As you can imagine as the Founder and
one of the Original Drivers, it is SO SO dear to this old heart.

I had an hours meeting with Greg Chemello yesterday. I discussed many other issues and indeed we discussed The Poetry Feast. Three basic questions
. Now that the Committee was abolished how could those community members and others have a say or input into what is to happen.

. What format will it take going forward and what parts remain or go eg. The Breakfast, the Online Workshops – the Face to Face Workshops and other components

. Future Sponsorships – How funded

My discussions on a myriad of other issues lasted an hour. I must admit at the end of the meeting, walking out, I felt it was one of the best meetings I have ever had in recent times. Greg really listened, and I thought really tried to understand the issues that I brought to the table, including the Poetry Feast Issues.

He agreed the Poetry Feast was a well- respected and prestigious competition and it would remain.

He could not answer all the questions but he gave a commitment to involve stakeholders. Yes the Library will be revisiting all aspects of the competition and Sponsorships.

What I suggest to you all is this - moving forward to those I have emailed above

I am well aware that about 6 of you have direct input via the former Committee and would like real Input into any changes etc. I suggest you send an email to the COO Chief Operating Officer who has Libraries under her umbrella and is well aware of the Poetry Feast. I would request that you wish to be involved in any Real consultation that is to occur.

Even if you don’t wish to have direct input but still wish to be kept informed of what is going on also Email the COO and advise that - give her your thoughts on Poetry Feast.

Share if you wish to any Poetry Feast Lover/Supporter

Okay ……..I hope I can relax a little now
Take care everyone
Merry Christmas

David Pahlke Founder Ipswich Poetry Feast 0419705376
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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