Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

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David Campbell
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Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by David Campbell » Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:51 pm

Hi All

There's an article of mine promoting traditional rhyming verse and the ABPA in the current "Weekend Australian" on page 22 of the "Review" supplement. I've only just discovered it's there (because somebody emailed me about it), so my apologies for not giving any prior warning...I submitted it some time ago. Here's the link, which will hopefully work OK even if you don't have a subscription:

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/re ... ff5110cc73

Incidentally, the email was from someone writing to take me up on the challenge I've issued at the end of the second-last paragraph...so I'll be following up on that! And neither of the headings (hard copy or online) are mine...they're the work of a sub-editor.


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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by vwalla » Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:32 pm

Good on you and thanks David. Keep up the good fight
Val Wallace

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by Brenda Joy » Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:45 pm

A wonderful article David reflecting the concerns and feelings of all who love and wish to preserve and expand our country's tradition of poetry with accurate rhyme and metre about Australia, Australians and the Australian way of life. This expansive definition includes all poems of the 'bush poetry' genre that are relevant to our past and present culture be it in the outback, the country, the coast or the cities. We are a multi cultural nation but we have derived from a unique background and Bush Poetry belongs to all who share this land of space and freedom. Our generation has the obligation to pass on the lyrical joys in this unique art-form and as we travel our vast continent we find that people from all backgrounds, especially children, are embracing this wonderful story-telling medium and gaining more awareness of this important aspect of our nation's literary heritage. Again, thank you David for being a spokesman for all who realise the treasure that is in our hands.
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:18 pm

Hear! Hear! Congratulations on the publication of such a well-written and insightful article, David. I absolutely agree with its content, and concur with the comments made here by Brenda and Val.

Let's just hope your article spawns some serious conversation among editors of potential future anthologies. It is an absolute travesty that Australian bush poetry was completely omitted from such a significant anthology that has just been published.

Shelley Hansen
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by Robyn » Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:47 pm

Fantastic David. A great article, well balanced. And a good choice of Mal's beautiful poem to represent us.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Also I stumbled across it on Facebook, and had read the first few paragraphs before thinking... which enlightened soul wrote this? And of course found your name David, and nodded sagely.
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

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David Campbell
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by David Campbell » Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:16 am

Thank you for those comments. It’s not easy to get something into the mainstream papers about any sort of poetry, so let’s hope this stirs up some interest. I’ve received some emails (all supportive) via my website, and I understand from Shelley that there has been a good response on the ABPA Facebook page, so that’s encouraging.

Unless you bought a print copy of the paper you won’t have seen a separate column written by the literary editor (Stephen Romei) in which he said:

I’m keen to hear what readers think about poet David Campbell’s punchy essay on page 22 about the disrespect shown to traditional rhyming verse, particularly “bush poetry” as some call it. I’ve received notes from readers (and poets) in the past, sometimes grumbling about poems I’ve published. I’m publishing three today in tandem with Campbell’s piece. Each of them rhymes here and there, but perhaps not in the sense that Campbell is talking about. Please let me know your thoughts.

So it looks as though he might do some sort of follow-up, and it’s quite possible he’ll give the four editors of “Contemporary Australian Poetry” a chance to reply. I’ve already emailed him to say that he’s quite right…the poems he published are certainly not examples of what I was talking about. I've sent him three of my poems to put things in perspective. If anybody here wants to respond to Stephen’s invitation his email is: romeis@theaustralian.com.au


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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:55 pm

Thanks very much for this extra information, David.

I for one, have responded to the editor's invitation to comment, and have sent a letter in support of the content of your article.

Shelley Hansen
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David Campbell
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by David Campbell » Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:53 pm

There have been a couple of developments. Firstly, a big “thank you” to Shelley and anyone else who responded to The Australian about the article. In this weekend’s issue Stephen Romei wrote: “Thank you to all the readers who have sent in their thoughts on David Campbell’s essay last week on the disrespect, as he sees it, shown to rhyming verse today, less than 100 years since Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson were must-read writers. I will share everyone’s views here soon.” So there will be a follow-up, which is good news. If I hear beforehand, I’ll give you a warning when it’s coming up.

Secondly, the issue has been taken up in the online version of Overland, which is not exactly a magazine known for publishing traditional poetry. Somebody has written a response to my article and there have been a few further comments added. I’ve put the link below for those interested, but here are a few quotes to give you an idea. One referred to the article as “…one of the shoddiest pieces of literary journalism I have come across in a long while.” Another agreed with that assessment and called what I wrote “patently out of touch with the contemporary” and “aimed at those who don’t read poetry and consider bush poetry to be synonymous with the nation’s poetic history as such.” And a third actually looked at the poems on this site and offered this judgement: “I’d have to say on balance, most of the award-winning pieces just don’t cut the mustard in terms of craft.” As you can see, there’s not exactly much encouragement to be found on that forum. But that’s hardly surprising. Anyway, I had quite a bit of fun writing a response…in rhyming verse! It’ll be interesting to see what (if anything) it provokes. I’m quite happy to deal with this particular debate by myself, so I’m only posting the link to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening around the traps. I’ll probably wait a couple of days and add something further in a non-poetry format. I do know, from emails received, that there’s most definitely support “out there” for what I wrote, and I’m hoping that will be reflected in the follow-up article in The Australian.


https://overland.org.au/2017/08/on-aust ... -campbell/

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:32 am

Good news about the Weekend Australian, David - hopefully, anyway! It will be interesting to see how much they publish and how many responses are favourable to our cause!

As for the article and responses in Overland - I've read them, and all I can say is ... a lot of words are involved!! :?

I reckon if it comes to a tournament, you've got my vote! Happy jousting! ;)

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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David Campbell
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Re: Bush poetry article in "The Australian"

Post by David Campbell » Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:18 pm

Thanks, Shelley, and the "joust" is certainly continuing! So a warning to anyone who might feel like clicking on the link...as Shelley says, there are "a lot of words" involved, some of which are rather obscure, so allow a bit of time and pack a dictionary. But you'll be interested to know that Matt McLoughlin has just joined the fray.


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