J K Moir.. a fascinating character in Bush Poetry circles

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Gary Harding
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J K Moir.. a fascinating character in Bush Poetry circles

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:10 pm

One name that always crops up in Bush Poetry of the 40's and 50's is that of John Kinmont Moir, or "J K" as he was sometimes known.. or Jack.

Here is a truly fascinating biography of J K Moir.

http://www3.slv.vic.gov.au/latrobejourn ... -g-t9.html

His name was synonymous with the Melbourne Bread and Cheese Club and his title was Knight Grand Cheese. What a title! The Bread and Cheese Club (Melb) was a great literary fraternity that lasted until 1988.

Edward Harrington was a founding member.

The following photo is that of a scarce book in good condition from my own Collection entitled "John Kinmont Moir.. A Tribute"

He was very highly thought of.. and deservedly so.

This small book, published by the Bread and Cheese Club is historically important.

So if you have a PROFOUND interest in bush poetry I feel sure that you will appreciate it.

Also I will reproduce W.E. (Bill) Harney's Poem dedicated to Jack Moir.. but on a future thread because I suspect that many people would be familiar with the great bushman Bill Harney and may have anecdotes of their own to recount.

I must say that Bill Harney was one of the major influences on my own life and in coming to Qld to live. Mooloolaba in Bill's day was then different to what it is now though.
For those who have not heard of Bill Harney, here is a website.

http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/harney- ... bill-10428

Cheers Gary
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: J K Moir.. a fascinating character in Bush Poetry circl

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:32 am

Thanks for this Gary - this is not a poet who has crossed my orbit until now.

Unfortunately I can't get the biography link to work - it says it doesn't exist.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Gary Harding
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Re: J K Moir.. a fascinating character in Bush Poetry circl

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:39 pm

Thanks Shelley.
I can click on both of the links listed (ref JK and Bill Harney) and my browser takes me there instantly. I might suggest doing a Google search using

moir bread cheese state latrobe ?

I have done so and the first website listed is the link. It works so might be worth a go :)

JK was certainly an extraordinary man, to say the least! He was a Collector of Australiana firstly, but lots of other important things besides and these are fully described in the article in the Latrobe Journal.

For example :

"The most significant single donation of material to the State Library of Victoria in its long history is without doubt the J. K. Moir Collection. Consisting of some eight thousand books, three thousand two hundred pamphlets, sixty boxes of manuscript material, several hundred photographs, research files and odd pieces of memorabilia, its acquisition by the library in the 1950s was a happy combination of the wishes of one extraordinary man and the institution's being able to accommodate them at a particular time in its history."

A similar and later donation of Australiana that I am aware of was by my friend/acquaintance the late Ian F. Mclaren and his donation to the Baillieu Library at Melb Uni. There is the Reta Light Collection of Australian Poetry, but that collection while extensive in quantity is missing many very important books and is therefore limited.

http://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/rareb ... collection

Another item from my bush poetry collection is this carbon copy of a letter of appreciation dated 22nd December, 1947 and sent by an unknown writer to J K Moir.
(The particular complimentary copy of Under Wide Skies referred to in the letter is also in my possession).

The contents of the letter (attached) speak for themselves and provide more background to the characters and Bush Poets of the mid-1900's
I agree with the writer that " ..when I feel at peace with the world I reach out and read Jim's tributes to Henry Lawson..." I have kept a copy of Under Wide Skies on my bedside table for years.

You may have come across another poet T V Tierney who is also a huge favourite of mine.
Boy can he write! I will develop his character later but he says in the Acknowledgement in his book ".. and to John Kinmont Moir, the friend of all Australian writers, who made this little volume possible."
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Gary Harding
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Re: J K Moir.. a fascinating character in Bush Poetry circl

Post by Gary Harding » Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:33 am

As a final word from me on this thread about JK, here is the Foreword that he wrote to Under Wide Skies.
I will let it speak for itself.

However I have to chuckle when he has a shot at the ballad form being scorned by "highbrows".

He remarks that Jim has written for the world at large (as compared to a few self-proclaimed non-rhyming poetic literary intellectuals perhaps?) and especially bush folk. A situation that I feel has its parallels today.

Anyway for what it's worth.. fantastic stuff.

JK will doubtless reappear when I find time to present the Bread and Cheese Club and some of its emeritus Bush Poets who may be gone but are certainly not forgotton .. especially by the ABPA and its "bush poetry loving" members!! :)

I hope this is proving to be interesting. One day I will drag out my C J Dennis material, but in the meantime Shelley, not wishing to put you on the spot but perhaps you might scan your scarce copy of "The Singing Garden" and post a page or two as interesting samples?.. together with your thoughts on the book on a new thread. Now THAT would be good!
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