Are we dying as an Association?

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Are we dying as an Association?

Post by keats » Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:28 am

Just a pre-election post because my mind has been constantly clicking over as to the drop off in posts here on our ABPA site and lack of involvement and decrease in active members participating. It has been the same for Magazine submissions. Also there has been an increase in the number of Bush Poetry Competitions and groups dropping off the radar. Just wondering where others think that our art is heading or if, in fact, the resurgence has peaked and is now dropping off. The Association seems more fragmented than ever with writers v's performers, traditionalists v's contemporaries and much other faction in-fighting and dis agreement. Just putting it out there before our upcoming General Election if anyone has any ideas on where they think we are heading or how we can kick start this once proud Association. And in saying that I mean absolutely no disrespect to our members who have been acting on our Committee over recent years and keeping things going by doing the Lion's share of the work. What thoughts do others have on trying to expand beyond what we are currently doing and failing to make headways with?


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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Terry » Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:08 pm

Hi Keats
I agree with everything you've said.
Like you the same thoughts have occurred me.
There's no doubts in my mind, that at the moment, we are in decline in almost every aspect of Bush Poetry.
Perhaps as you suggest we need a bit of constructive and collective thinking about what's happening.
Maybe someone can come up with ideas that may help - but getting a consensus of opinions might be the biggest stumbling block.

It's pleasing to note that someone is taking this seriously and is prepared to speak openly about this problem.



Neville Briggs
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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:07 am

I think you are right Neil, dying seems to be it. Certainly it will die if there are such things as warring factions, I truly had no idea that such things existed in the bush poets.

And my apologies I am short on suggestions for a turn around.
Last edited by Neville Briggs on Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by manfredvijars » Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:49 am

Maybe we've become jaded ... the 'same old, same old' has lulled us into a false sense of security.
Well, the 'same old' isn't working!

Maybe this is all cyclical but I don't see too much excitement amongst our mob any more, yet people I've not heard of are turning in fantastic presentations - and they're GREAT!! (The Ballad of Mitchell Bert)

Maybe we're all to busy looking backwards and romancing about a past of campfires and pack-horse drovers - forgetting we're using microwave ovens and road-trains!

Can we not find romance and excitement about OUR times anymore ??

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Terry » Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:35 am

I can only talk about what's happening over here in the west.
We're still pretty strong over this way, but even so, not quite as strong as we once were.
Our musters are still very well attended and there is a wide variety of poetry presented;
something for everyone I guess you'd say.
I hear what you're saying Manfred, but over here the cooler months still attract hundreds to the gold fields; (and remote areas)
hope to get back out there myself next year, so campfires in remote areas are still very much part of the scene over here.
but I do agree that we should be concentrating on our own times but not limit ourselves to any one subject.
We need to cater for all tastes, with an eye for the future but not forgetting those who still like the old traditional ballads..
(the Mitchell Bert Ballad has an old theme with a new twist and is brilliantly presented - I'm sure it would appeal to everyone)

My fear is that no mater what we do or what poems we write, that in the short term at least, it will have little impact on the slow decline we see at the moment.
it's just a sign of the times, how do you compete with the latest gadgetry and various forms of entertainment on offer today.
Hope I'm wrong.



Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Heather » Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:08 am

The 'same old' hasn't worked for some time now - for me at least. I don't know what goes on in the competition world any more. I haven't entered any competitions for some time because I'm up against 'same old' which seems to be what is expected and it's a waste of time because that's not how I write or want to write. I know there are others who think similarly. There was a point when I was learning when it was nice to get a pat on the head in a competition but it's not important to me now - I've reached a point where I know what I like and that's all that matters.

But there are some amazing poets and topics here on the forum - just look at what Allan, Wazza, Neville, Matt, Manfred, myself (and others I can't remember right now) write and you'll rarely find a drover's dog or camp fire amongst them. The topics are current (Je Suis Charlie for example), poems about fishing, love, death, missing friends at Christmas, drug addiction etc. People are experimenting with meter and format and their poems are interesting and exciting and provide food for thought and a challenge for others. You won't see most of those poems winning bush competitions. On the other hand, as Terry says, camp fires still have a place.

Forum numbers have never been high but people do come and go for various reasons. I know some people have been ill, had family issues, been busy with work, taken up new hobbies - and some have just run out of things to write about. There have been a handful of new contributors to the forum this year who make valuable contributions and create interest.

I'm not sure what goes on with the politics of bush world, I just want to write and read poetry and share what I write with my mates and encourage those that post their poems. Write about what you know and are passionate about, allow others the right to do the same, and all will be well with the world!

Heather :)

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Terry » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:29 pm

Personally I don't care what anyone writes.


Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Heather » Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:31 pm

No ouch intended Terry. We wrote our posts simultaneously and you pipped me at the post when posting. mine was not in response to your post. ☺ then i added some after reading yours. I'm just explaining why i don't enter competitions now.

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Terry » Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:48 pm

No worries Heather

Getting back to ideas; and as we're talking about Competitions at the moment, I'd like to see at least a couple of comps, one with a limit of say 16 lines and another with a limit of 24 lines.
This wont save bush poetry but may stimulate a bit more interest in that side of things at least.

As Heather says there's a fair bit of different poetry being posted on the forum now, but it's still not helping to stimulate more interest; in fact the number of post still seem to be declining.

One last thing about comps, I've entered quite a few of late mainly out of boredom; sitting around with too much time on my hands.

Dare I say it, I wouldn't mind getting back out bush and sitting around the campfire again, enjoying the peace and just gazing at the stars again for awhile.


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Bob Pacey
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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Bob Pacey » Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:43 pm

Not into comps either H but the same old same old if I post it on the site it is not eligible has been a big reason for the decline in site posts I reckon.

I do not think that I have a poem that I have not posted somewhere and when I do write one normally in response to Maureens Prompts I post it everywhere I can Facebook and some other sites that I'm a member on and a number of local papers and radio stations like new stuff all the time.

I as well do not know about the politics of the association ? but I delight in presenting my poetry to the younger set be that from kids to middle aged and they always seem to go over well and the comments ( I never knew Bush poetry could be so entertaining ) is quite often heard.

Glenny will tell you that the show we did for the Qut big lift crew ( Mostly in their teens and early 20s ) was very well received and I have had a few of them send me friend requests on facebook and like my site. Glenny will tell you that she made the comment ( I need to get some new material more suited to this age group )

The technology is there it is just up to us to use it to our advantage but saying that we need to also be professional in our presentations when we get the opportunity to perform and I find that the mix is crucial. That is you can get away with a few jokes but poetry is what they want IMO.

Gotta got a birthday party to do see ya.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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