From The Mouths Of Babes

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From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by mummsie » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:53 am

I had a phone call from my daughter on the Gold Coast early today. Six year old Emma[granddaughter] asked her mother "what year did we get colors and what was the first color?''
"What do you mean?" replied her mother, "we've always had colors".
Emma:"not when Nan and Pop were younger, I've seen their photos and there all black and white". :lol: :lol:
Nothing like starting the day with a good laugh.
Mind you, this is the same kid who's kindergarten teacher[who is quite heavily endowed] leant over the desk to help her and was asked "what letters do you have in your bra?"
The teacher replied, with an inquisitive look on her face "why do you ask"
Emma replied"well my mums got 2 d's[pronounced dees] in her bra, and your boobs look the same as hers".
Oh to be a kindergarten teacher. :lol: :lol:
I'm sure we've all got some great yarns about things kids have said over the years, how about we share some.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by Neville Briggs » Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:16 pm

Great story Sue :) :)

Unfortunately as we get older we have to learn that we can only say what the political correcters prescribe for us.
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Bob Pacey
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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:20 pm

Never tell kids things you don't want repeated.


The old man on the veranda sat his grandson on his knee.
the scene was oh so peaceful such a lovely sight to see.
The lad gazed to the old mans eye "I've got a question pa" he said
so the old man settled back and muttered "Go on son go ahead".

"Grandad' the lad said looking grim "I know you can bark just like a dog
but can you make the sound that comes at night-time from a frog."
"Of course I can" the old man mused "To make that sound is not so bad".
The smile that graced the young lads face then made his old heart glad.

"But why did it bring him oh such joy to know this was so?" he said .
He had to know the reason why such happiness it spread.
Well then the lad jumped up and cried ,"this news is just so grand
cause mum told us that when you croak we're all going to Disneyland".


Think I've posted this before but a long time ago, still use if at my shows and always gets a laugh.
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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by DollyDot » Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:22 am

Hi Mummsie

Great story! Here is what happened to me and I've never forgotten it.

Just a few years ago... in my first year as a primary teacher, I had a Year one class. In those days, religion was taught in schools and classes were placed in the various denominational groups. My kids had their religious instruction class immediately after recess, so getting them organized and to their different rooms for the various groups was always a rushed affair.
So this day, I was directing children to their groups when this little fellow, coming back late form lunch, appeared in front of me. He was a rather quiet boy and I was looking at him, perhaps like some demented woman. I said, “What are you?’ Meaning of course what religion are you?
With eyes like saucers, he hesitated and then stammered: ‘I’m a little boy Miss.”
This just cracked me up and we were late for class but it sure eased my tension and made my day!
I also looked at the position from his perspective. He must have wondered what I was thinking for the previous six weeks. Little did he realize what a revelation he was that day.
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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by mummsie » Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:22 pm

A great story DollyDot. I would imagine as a school teacher you would have some corkers to tell.

My six year old son[his in his early thirties now]was sent to his room without his favorite dessert, for making a particularly rude comment about his sister at the dinner table. A while later, I went to his room to say goodnight and found a rather disgruntled boy sitting on the side of his bed, obviously still reeling from his punishment. Seeking to set things right, I sat and chatted to him about the does and do'nts of his behaviour and how as a parent it was my role to point out such things, in the hope this would make him a better person. I then said "is there anything you would like to say"[thinking I was going to get an apology for his behaviour]. After taking a moment he replied " well I would like to tell you, Mum, that tonight I am so angry with you, that right now I think I hate you". Well, did this comment sit me back! It took everything in me to keep my cool. So, after thinking about his reply, I told him that anger was a normal thing to feel and that we all at some time in our lives have been angry with our loved ones and that even though we think we hate them we usually forgave them in due course. Then I told him I was disappointed that he felt that way towards me, but to show him I understood I shared a story from his fathers childhood.
When Ron was a small boy, he'd had a run in with his Mother and was sent for some time out to the laundry. His way of venting his anger was to scratch "mum is a pig" into the back of the laundry door, an artwork which remained till after her demise many years later. Now, young son was particularly fond of his Nan, and couldn't imagine anyone[let alone his own father] thinking such a thing about his grandmother.
He asked"did Dad really do that?"
Me "yes, he did"
His reply "he really wrote that about Nan?"
Me "well, as I said, sometimes when we're angry we do and say things we don't really mean"
This seemed to sort his feelings out and after an apology and a hug he settled down for the night.
As I got up to leave the room, he sat bolt upright in the bed and asked "did he use capital letters" :lol: :lol:

I often think about that night and it still makes me laugh.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.


Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by warooa » Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:43 pm

Great yarn, Sue. Yours too, Dot.

My Missus (Roo) once worked at a primary school as a teacher aide. One day the local policeman came to give a talk to the kids about the role of the police in the community. He was explaining all the different things he had on his 'tool belt' - and he held up the pair of hand-cuffs, asking if anyone knew what they were when one young girl put her hand up and said "My Mummy's got a pair of those." :? Nobody (including the copper) knew quite what to say.


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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by DollyDot » Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:42 pm

Mummsie you wonder what must be going through their minds as they are often on a different wave-length to us - big deal hey capital letters.

Yeah Marty!
My daughter's preschool teacher and aide used to pump a particular kid for info as I remember. You do hear some doozeys that you would never repeat for fear of being locked up.

I remeber one boy though whose father had trucks and he used to come in and (in a fifty year old man's voice) tell us how these kids didn't know what work was as he'd been up for hours and done a day's work before school; probably had! He was in grade three at the time, I think, and a real nice kid! Good memories.




Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by Heather » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:36 am

Great stories Dot, Sue and Marty.

My father didn't get along with his mother-in-law (my grandmother) and had obviously told me something that at age three I found hard to fathom.

I went up to my grandmother and said, "Nana, you don't really fly across the trestle bridge on your broom do you?"

I don't think that helped the relationship somehow! :)

More recently my little Charlotte (three next week) rushed up to me, arms open wide for a hug and said, "I like you." Made my day!

Heather :)

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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:17 am

Loving these stories - they are precious memories.

When my son was 5 in the 1970's Bouffant hairdos were all the go with the more hair spray the better. We were going out with friends for the night and her Mum was babysitting the 3 boys. Karlene was all dolled up - hair teased and sprayed and her little bloke said to her 'Mum you look just like a fairy princess and your hair looks just like steel wool' . We worked out he meant her hair looked like spun gold as she was a blonde but his description was so much more fitting.

That was the same year that my Dave gave me a Mothers Day card he had made at Kindy. A cut out heart with flowers all coloured in round the edges and written inside in very wonky writing with the words all over the shop. Happy Mothers Day Mum. ps I think you have sexy legs.

I've still got it squirreled away somewhere - the thought of it never fails to make me laugh because no one has ever seen me in that light before - I think it's a gorgeous memory. :D
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Re: From The Mouths Of Babes

Post by DollyDot » Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:12 pm

I love that one Maureen. My 2nd daughter told the Year one teacher when asked what her mother did, said my mother does nothing - yeah just had four babies in six years and at the time two at home and two at school. Just last year the older one when talking about retirement told me that, Dad and I were good at doing nothing. I think she meant we had plenty of things to occupy us and had lots of interests.

Some things never change.


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