Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

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william williams

Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

Post by william williams » Thu May 05, 2011 11:55 pm

Part of my history

Well me old mans father was a hard, hard fella hardly knew him when I was a babe got killed in a building accident an me grandma died thrown by a horse soon after I was born. Now this is dads side I’m talking about. Well dad met mom and they got married and of coarse you know what happens when you ain’t got telly and before they found out the cause of problem me sister joins the group two years later so the old man decides to be a brickie to help keep the wolf from the door and we could have a few more things in life.
Like camping at Flinders of a Christmas it was about this time that mom’s folks stepped into the scene and helped dad because grandpa he was a craftsman and builder and so between the two of them. Whalla. We now had a house of our own, well us and the bank.
When I was fourteen there was a knock on the door and there appeared this old fella wrinkled like grey a old prune and with a pronounced limp.
Now here comes the interesting part seem dads mom was a very, very naughty girl she got married had a son ( my dad) then cleared of with another fella, now dad was to young to know these happening and she then had a son and a daughter by him and that’s how I was christened Williams. Right so you reckon you have it worked out have you.
So now I’ll get back that old fella with the limp he started talking to mom and dad then suddenly started crying and we were to discover the real truth about dad’s parentage. He asked if dad was willing to have a blood test just to make sure and it was true, Dad had one father and his brother and sister had another well the old fella we called Pop came and lived with us dad built a bedroom out the back for him and he lived with us till he was 94/95 when he was taken to hospital where he died at 96 as a result of a kick from one of my horses you see Pop was a dogger on the dingo fence for just on 50 years and he loved horses and had never driven a car a horse and cart was all he ever needed and wanted. He needed much in the way of worldy wealth and saved for the day he hoped to find his son.
He paid off Mom and Dads house and land mortgage and they built a second house which we moved into.
I have many things in life that I am very thankful for. The teachings from my Mom and Dad and Mothers parents for my city lifes education and the passion and ability to live in and love and understand the Australian bush that was taught to me by my Dads true father old Pop.

Pop died nearly 53 years ago

Peace be with you Dad and Pop. But Mums still with us

Bill Williams

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri May 06, 2011 5:07 am

The school of hard knocks is a wonderful learning place Bill.

Thanks for shareing this part of your life.

Bet you never thought you would be doing poetry now though.

Cheers Mate

Bob The Old Battler ( heard that somewhere do not know where )
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri May 06, 2011 11:15 am

Bill that is a lovely story all the little twists and turns that life takes, but how wonderful you were able to e reunited with your Pop and now have such special memories of him and a place in your heart.


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Re: Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

Post by Neville Briggs » Fri May 06, 2011 11:23 am

Bill, Amazing what's back there in the family " closet" so to speak.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

Jasper Brush

Re: Part of my history By the old Battler Bill

Post by Jasper Brush » Sun May 08, 2011 3:58 pm

G'day, Bill

Your memories reveal a lot of hardship and the unexpected, Bill.

Sometimes the hard knocks make people more determined and strengthens character.

This seems to be the case and the direction your life has taken you, mate.



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