The value of a Bush Laureate win

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Re: The value of a Bush Laureate win

Post by alongtimegone » Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:40 am

Stephen, this may be a silly question but I don't have any idea of how publishing houses operate, as far as distribution is concerned, so my question is "Is your book on the shelves of book stores? If it is do your interviewers conclude with 'where one can get it' advice? Can you contact stores with a 'pitch'? And what about schools? I remember book sellers visiting my schools with requests to show their wares to the librarians. I guess it would be major time constrained if you had to do it all yourself.


Re: The value of a Bush Laureate win

Post by warooa » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:08 am

Yes, and does this not contravene the ABC policy of no advertising. Not being a stick in the mud, its great you are getting air time and promoting your work you are rightly proud of, but isn't that just a that a promotion, endorsing a product and publishing house, which the ABC arent supposed to do? I guess I need to be asking the ABC this. I think it's absurd when listening to the garden show for example and they can't even mention a brand name of a product.

By the way I recently acquired a copy of The Billy That Died With its Boots On (on line) and it is a fantastic book, I enjoy it as do my daughters. Well done Doc.


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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: The value of a Bush Laureate win

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:57 pm

Thanks, Marty.

Yes, the ABC does have a 'no advertising' policy, but as far as I can work it out, they make an exception for the arts. They always have musicians on, advertising their gigs, their latest CDs, pushing festivals, etc. They also have lots of 'book shows', where they promote authors and books. One producer asked me if the book was published by ABC Books, saying that otherwise they would not be able to promote it, but he has been very much against the tide. I have now done seven interviews, with a couple more in the offing, and it has not been an issue for any of them.

Wazza, the book is distributed by Harper Collins. It is not in all book shops, but I think any shop can order it in fairly easily, and have a copy within a few days. I know Readings Bookshops in Melbourne stock it, but I visited another independent bookshop in Melbourne today, and they did not have it. I am not approaching bookshops or schools directly, but am trying to create demand through publicity. An author told me recently she had been told by her publisher that the only publicity that correlated with book sales was ABC radio interviews.

I am finding ABC local radio an absolutely fabulous resource. Will the interviews generate sales? I think they already have to some degree. How much? I have absolutely no idea, but it can't do any harm, and it is great fun as well as good experience.

It is very interesting to listen to the responses from the various producers. Some ask for a tie-in to their locality. (Sometimes I am able to provide this, other times not.) Others don't really care about this at all - their enthusiasm for bush verse is enough to get me over the line. The larger radio stations are more likely to give me a weekend slot, the smaller ones more likely to put me on the "Morning Show" (Monday to Friday).
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: The value of a Bush Laureate win

Post by alongtimegone » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:40 pm

I'll visit QBD this weekend and buy or place an order.

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: The value of a Bush Laureate win

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:14 pm

Thanks, Wazza. I hope you enjoy it!
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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