Boyup Brook Written Poetry Competition

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Re: Boyup Brook Written Poetry Competition

Post by alongtimegone » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:44 am

Thanks Neville.

Yes Maureen it was a surprise. A pleasant one but a surprise nevertheless.


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Re: Boyup Brook Written Poetry Competition

Post by alongtimegone » Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:49 am

Ha ha Maureen. Very good. Missed the attachment first time but no thanks I've had a few stays in the last couple of years and I'm definitely over it (or will be soon I hope.)

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Re: Boyup Brook Written Poetry Competition

Post by Terry » Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:13 pm

Congratulations to all of the winners.

It was great catching up with Brenda & Hal at Tamworth, although we never did get to have that cup of coffee - maybe next time.
But did finally get to hear Brenda recite after we kept missing her time slot.

Good to see so many members from the Forum among the winners - well done everybody, with special mention to Wazza & Maureen.

Cheers Terry

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