Australian Written Championships

ABPA members can post information and general feedback about bush poetry events.
Organisers can include bush poetry results in this forum.
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carol heuchan
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:40 pm

Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by carol heuchan » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:11 am

My dear friend Zondrae, No. Certainly not upset by your words. I was upset by my being named as Judge for the Australian written Championships when such information is never for publication. I also felt the remarks by a couple were totally uncalled for. (Don't know names - I don't believe in using an alias. I am always willing to use my my name if I say anything).
I do realise the value many of you place on this forum. All of us love poetry deeply and cannot get enough of it. In my very busy poetry life, perhaps I undervalued the use of the forum for isolated people and the friendships provided. However, I just ask that you all accept that this is not just a chat - like a private phone call between mates. It is public and the comments remain public and visible for a long time. Consequently I again ask that all be aware of this and think before naming indivuals without their permission, or using their poetry without their permission or making implications about their actions or commenting on competition results or putting up poetry of your own that is then sent into competitions (such poems no longer being totally original and no longer anonymous or unpublished). These are just some of the things that have happened on the website that give me concern.
We have many, many members who do not have internet access or skills whose
needs also need to be addressed and others whose commitments prevent them from being involved. You may not be aware, but some of the elected committee work hard to listen to the views of all and to provide information, correct advice (without personal bias or gain), help festivals, competitions and activities for all.
Zondrae, and all the forum users -
enjoy your poetry and the friendships
and hope I catch up with you sometime,


Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:19 pm

I have split this thread into another topic as it has gone into another direction, more appropriate to:

"General Poetry Discussion"
NEW Topic "Critiqueing Other's Works"

(Nothing is lost)



Posts: 3334
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Terry » Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:22 pm

What happened to all the other post? They seem to have disapeared.


Re: Australian Written Championships

Post by Heather » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:07 pm

Guess it depends on how you thunk hey Marty! :lol:

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