Problem not fixed

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Re: Problem not fixed

Post by dkitchen » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:01 pm

Dear Heather and Terry

The problem has nothing to do with the latest back-up or analysis. The ABPA website is hosted by iPower in the USA and if you Google 'problems with iPower' you will find a raft of complaints from all over the world about the stability of their service. It is unfortunately coincidental that this has happened now and iPower have admitted to me on 'live chat' that there is a problem with their servers which they are attending to. I know it's frustrating for all at the moment. Please be patient. I'm still working on a more permanent solution for the ABPA. Regards, DK

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Problem not fixed

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:10 pm

I was wondering the same thing Neville - who is DKitchen and from whence did he/she spring ???? And how come with no notification and/or discussion DKitchen is suddenly cooked up as 'the administrator' and the comment by Heather -
Manfred has been removed as administrator
I find extremely disturbing :shock:
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