Leveraging Simple Tools For Our Craft ...

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Gary Harding
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Re: Leveraging Simple Tools For Our Craft ...

Post by Gary Harding » Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:16 am

You can write poems for your own pleasure and then modestly put them in a drawer which is fine. However IMO if you think it is something others may enjoy then there is the excellent TAT Poetry Magazine where your work not only becomes permanently on-line but it is magnificiently illustrated for your own records. Free.

TAT encourages international participation and as poetry has no borders then what better opportunity could one have to be "out there".. worldwide.

The on-line world of computer technology allows this great and free distribution of work. Why not use it.

In less time than it takes to write a post here about how tough it is in the world of bush poetry you could select two or three of your best poems and send them off to Maureen. Five minutes of your time?!!
Competitions are good no doubt and fun too, but they pass quickly. If you want to be out there genuinely in the world and permanently, as opposed to giving that concept lip-service, then the way is clear and easy.

So I disagree that getting work "out there" is a challenge.

A few clicks of a mouse and you have done it.

Maureen should be overwhelmed by ABPA members' work. What about all these past "winning and commended poems" in all sorts of competitions? Why be shy. Go for it. Work in the Member's Poetry section of this forum. Geez if I can sneak in the odd poem and have it accepted then highly accomplished bush poets here who can really write well would have no trouble.

As Manfred rightly says : "We live digitally now. This means there are opportunities to reach a World-wide audience"

So if you want our genre to survive... sincerely want that!... then SUPPORT the people who are doing their best and giving heaps of their own time to try and ensure that it does survive and flourish! ... if not then don't grumble.

Now go and pick your best three poems and send them in. Just do it! No excuses. Fame may well follow, even if there is no fortune :)

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Leveraging Simple Tools For Our Craft ...

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:47 pm

WOW - Thanks Gary :shock: 8-) that's the best advertising I have ever had and I thank you for it.

It's all true what you say - I am absolutely not flooded with work coming in for the mag - its more like the Darling River at best a little trickle and whilst the TAT Poetry mag is not purely a bush poetry mag I always make sure that my ABPA mates get a good showing - if any of you haven't caught up yet you can check it out here - http://www.theaustraliatimes.com/magazine/poetry/
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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