Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

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Catherine Lee
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Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Catherine Lee » Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:29 pm

Gift to a Blind Friend

Feel the softness of your blanket as it rests upon your knee
to imagine sky’s unending calm, inspiring witchery—
painted blue on blue one stroke each time to ease an anxious heart—
it has wonder, sweet serenity and wisdom to impart.

Bring to mind your times of sorrow and imagine how each day
seemed a burden tough to carry – that’s the hue of clouds of grey,
hanging heavy with the misery they’re threatening to spew,
yet they beg interpretation - shifting, drifting on the blue.

Now the night grows cold and gusty, people hurry with concern
to their cosy homes and families, all anxious to return.
Other faces sad and lonely in the glass reflecting back—
feel their tension and despair to gauge the gloomy side of black.

Mother Nature’s tears now dribbling down this misty windowpane—
but tomorrow with the sunrise, golden sun will shine again!
Think of love and laughter, scent of flowers, moods of endless scope,
and you’ll comprehend how yellow stands for happiness and hope.

Soon the energy it brings us will invigorate and show
that when storms disperse, fresh focus on enjoying life will grow.
If you ponder health returning, strength and passions centre stage,
then you’ll understand the colour red in all its love and rage.

Smell the sweetness of the fresh washed leaves, and hear the blackbirds sing
for perception of rebirth and growth of every living thing.
Breathe in new mown grass and dampened earth and ponder what they mean
while you start to grasp in all its promise, every shade of green.

It is clear you feel you’re drowning under dismal, dark attack.
Please allow me to at least attempt to gently bring you back,
help you sense within your spirit every hue—your fears allay,
till you somehow can encounter splendid rainbows, every day.

© Catherine Lee, 2022

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Gary Harding
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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Gary Harding » Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:48 pm

Catherine, what can one say about this exceptional poem!?

Firstly IMO it manages to get its message across in just a few lines which I suggest is always a mark of good concise poetry. It is neither too short nor too long.

"Gift To A Blind Friend" displays the empathy and enormous sensitivity that I believe is one of the hallmarks of your poetic writing, and any reader would immediately recognise the author.

Few bush poets would contemplate writing on such a difficult subject. And of those few contemplator/writers, none would end up actually going there I would believe. ha. It is too delicate a subject and too easy to mess it up. So confidence and boldness borne of poetic experience is needed just to start writing... and then succeed as you certainly do in this poem.

"Gift To A Blind Friend" is a poetic journey that I feel almost overwhelms with its intense imagery, but then this is a subject necessarily all about images revolving around creating vivid colours.. and applying them effectively in context. The last verse is a good rounding-off that offers Kindness. Great!!

Your poem also navigates emotions ... and experiments a bit with words ... and some rather unique rhymes, that is for sure.

As a poem it is well-constructed and thought out.. however my simple mind had difficulty initially coping with the intensity in general so I confess that it took several readings to "get there" fully with this poem. That says more about my slow brain though than any lack in this poem.

Well done ... and you must be accumulating quite a collection and maybe you are contemplating another publication soon, perhaps of your best work?
I won't quote back any lines in particular, but whatever time it took to write "Gift To A Blind Friend" was worthwhile. Its competition-worthiness or not is irrelevant.. that is not the measure of this poem... but it is what it says effectively in so few lines that makes it stand out.

Again you have produced a little gem. Really good! Thank you! Gary

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:05 pm

Wow, thank you so much, Gary, and how very kind of you to say a reader would recognise the author too! I really appreciate the way in which you single out particular aspects of my poetry, even to the point of making me take another look for myself at my thought processes in coming up with certain things. It is both interesting and satisfying to me to read such comments, and I am also delighted that you feel this poem speaks effectively in just these few lines…Thank you so much once again!

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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Terry » Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:28 pm

Hi Catherine

A beautifully written and crafted poem using all your wonderful skills - Love it.


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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:00 pm

WOW! You made excellent use of those prompts with this one Catherine and written so sensitively - I suspect you could pick up a few prizes with this one - it is quite lovely, and by the way I love that opening line - it sets the mood for the whole poem IMO. Nicely crafted ..... well done you.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:50 pm

Thank you so much, Terry and Maureen. I can’t believe I can still feel so uncertain sometimes when I make these attempts, and yet all of you always know just what to say to reassure me and make me smile… Thank you as ever for your valuable friendship, support and encouragement!

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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Terry » Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:28 pm

Hi Again Catherine

I may have only used a few words when commenting on your poem, but I meant every one of them - It's a beautiful poem.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Catherine Lee » Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:43 pm

Ah, thanks so much, Terry, that's lovely of you x

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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Ron » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:14 pm

Wow, that certainly is beautiful Catherine, so many great descriptive lines that give visual impact!
I totally agree with the others comments and I reckon you can be so proud of your effort here!
In particular I love the lines:
"Smell the sweetness of the fresh washed leaves, and hear the blackbirds sing
for perception of rebirth and growth of every living thing."
Brilliant and powerful! I closed my eyes and I'm sure I smelt the leaves and heard the birds!
Thank you.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework September: Gift to a Blind Friend

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:55 pm

Thank you so much, Ron, for your lovely, warm words! I’m so happy to read such a reaction - it is deeply rewarding to know that the poem created such visual impact for you. I really appreciate your kind comments; thank you once again!

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