Homework June/22 Cullprits?

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Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Ron » Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:46 pm

Finally got something together here, have had a bit of the flu and at times it felt like I was trying to find the muse through a pea-souper fog!
But all good now.
I hope you don't mind Catherine but I used a brumby culling theme too, but I thought the winter prompts lent itself to that line of thought as


© Ron Boughton June /22

Above the mountains, Northern lights shine eerily on high
As mystic ghostly riders streak across a darkened sky,
In shades of stockmen past, who roamed these ranges years ago
Returning now as auras in a vivid spectral show!
They stir the hearts of those around the crackling campfire flames
Who gaze in wonder, thinking that, their eyes were playing games!
For never such a roundup, had they witnessed in their years
Of camping in the Snowies, that …transfixed immortal fears!

With snow predicted for the tops, a blizzard there perhaps,
They stood spellbound by the sight, of these phantoms in time lapse!
Who on their apparition steeds were brumby mustering
With focus still intact when Winter winds came blustering!
The swirling campfire smoke, rose over darkened silhouettes
Of snow gums leaning with the wind, in semblance of veiled threats,
Then driving sleet came sideways! But, above! It all was clear,
As if the heavens opened, for the brumbies to appear!

And as they galloped from the sky and disappeared in snow
Led by a famous colt -the stuff of legends years ago-
Who guided them in ghostly forms, as if they had been wronged
For it was from these mountains that their D.N.A.belonged.
In winters now when doonas and the ugg boots reappear,
And brumbies coats are frosty, so it marks that time of year,
Those campers think of that night, -worthy of the Snowie’s tome-
When they had seen the spirits, of the brumbies …coming home!

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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Terry » Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:58 pm

G/day Ron

I like the theme you have used Ron, so fitting under the circumstances.
Some good lines there too - bit like 'Ghost riders in the sky' in places.
Your mention of the Northern Lights bought back old memories of seeing the Southern lights one night way out on Yerrilla Station.
Hard to believe but true.
Sorry to hear you have had a nasty bout of the flu mate, but pleased to hear you now have it under control.

Seeing I fudged with my earlier poem (Which I have now removed) I am attempting to write a proper homework poem at the moment -
Yep you guessed it - another Brumby poem as well.

Cheers Mate


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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Ron » Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:36 am

Thanks Terry,
Pleased that you enjoyed it and though unintentional I can see how some lines could be a bit like ghost riders in the sky.
Once again I wrote the first few lines and didn’t have a clue where it was headed.😄
Amazing your seeing the Southern lights way out there! One of those freakish bits of earth/sky happenings I guess.
Don’t know about fudging mate but that reminiscing poem of yours was a ripper!

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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:37 pm

Another good one Ron - well done and great use of the prompts as well. I particularly liked this line -
snow gums leaning with the wind, in semblance of veiled threats
Food for thought there and a different usage entirely to what we normally see. Interesting :o

I can't wait to see what Terry comes up with and the brumby theme is dear to my heart as you know.

I shared Catherines poem with my brumby groups and it has gone ballistic - so many shares I have now lost count of how many people have read it but believe me when I say it is an awful lot. If you are willing Ron might I also share yours as well - our brums are in the fight of their life right now and the reality is only too sadly that your poem depicting them as ghostly spectres might prove to be the truth of the matter in the not too far distant future. The American mustang is facing a similar fate and yet wild horses in European countries are starting to be valued, for their rewilding and tourism prospects. Why are we so short sighted I wonder???

The legendary colt you mention I presume is 'Thowra King of the Cascades'. In more recent times 2019/2020 he has been replaced in people's memories by Paleface - a very real stallion from the Kossie region, well known and much loved by our Brumby groups but sadly we now have to accept - lost in those horrendous fires that went through that region - along with his equally well known and loved Lieutenant 'PosterBoy' and the mares, and bubs that made up their mob. They were not the only ones lost - may mobs disappeared, and whilst we all hoped they had made it out of the area and would return they haven't, and to now see NP's capturing and killing the few that remain is absolutely heartbreaking and unacceptable. The number of wild brumbies left in the Kossie region by our estimates are now down to well under 1000 :(
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Ron » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:50 pm

Many thanks for your kind comments Maureen and pleased that you enjoyed it.
Please feel free to share it by all means. From past posts I know that the Brumby issue is very close to your heart!
Also I admire your knowledge of the individual brumbies, your passion is a credit to you. I must admit, regarding the legend, that I had read something a while back about a legendry brumby colt but could not remember by name, so thought I would just generalize and leave it up to the reader.
The whole issue is a sad business all round! :(

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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Catherine Lee » Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:56 pm

Just love this, Ron! It is a wonderful tale with some fabulous lines that conjure up clear, mystic images and give me goose bumps, and I love it when that happens! "When they had seen the spirits, of the brumbies...coming home!" Brilliant ending!.... This a most worthy poem and as far as I'm concerned, the more poems that get written and put out there about the plight of the brumbies, or any other animals in peril, the better! Glad to hear we were on the 'same page' with these prompts (and also very pleased to hear you are feeling a lot better!!)

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:16 pm

Thank you Ron our Brumby groups are running with it as we speak. :D
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Ron » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:37 am

Thanks so much Catherine for kind words and pleased that you enjoyed it. And yes great to see we are on the same ‘brumby’ wave length! It is certainly a sad business!

And thanks Maureen, and you are most welcome.


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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by mummsie » Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:41 am

A vivid spectral show indeed Ron! Love it!
Some great lines here but the one that struck home for me was-"for it was from these mountains that their DNA belonged", says it all really hey!

Pleased to hear you're on the mend. Ron and I are just surfacing from Covid which I managed to brush off without too many issues but Ron was not so lucky with pneumonia seeing him spend a few days in hospital but thankfully he is slowly recovering, and so we move on.

A good write Ron!
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Re: Homework June/22 Cullprits?

Post by Ron » Wed Jun 22, 2022 8:05 pm

Thanks so much Sue, yes sadly the brumbies are on the wrong end of the stick at the moment! :(
And I'm sure that being right on the doorstep of these tragic events, you would be well informed of the injustice inflicted on these poor animals.

Glad to hear that you got through the Covid ok and that Ron is now recovering. Pneumonia can be one hell of a scary ride!
Wendy and I have been fortunate in not contracting Covid so far. (touch wood!) We do wonder sometimes though, if we may have had it with minimal symptoms, but all our tests have been negative!
Take care

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