Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

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Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Terry » Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:43 pm

Return Of The Dark Ages

Once again, we see the madness – hear the beating drums of war,
bringing death and terror to a place, where peace had ruled before.
And no mercy has been shown here where the innocents still dwell,
by unleashing there, the hounds of death, into that manmade hell.

I can see the desperation on the faces as they flee,
with their falling tears and countless fears and nowhere safe to be.
And a sentence has been cast now for a lifetime filled with grief,
that we still behave like this today, is way beyond belief.

And My heart cries for the children with the horrors that they see,
I can see the fear within their eyes, and wonder can this be.
When we terrorise small children, just how far can honour fall,
and to kill them without pity - the most heinous crime of all?

As I watch the stricken mothers as they strive to save their brood,
then I see the old and feeble without water and no food.
And we call ourselves now civilized compared back in the past,
well to me we haven’t learnt a thing – and this won’t be the last.

©T.E. Piggott

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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Ron » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:51 am

G'day Terry,
Good word pictures painted of such tragic scenes mate!
Reading this I feel there is so many great standout lines, and they all have impact!
In particular:
"When we terrorise small children, just how far can honour fall,
and to kill them without pity - the most heinous crime of all?
Makes one wonder just to what depths humanity can sink.
Well done Terry,

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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Terry » Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:58 pm

Thanks Ron

It's hard to do justice to what is happening there, in just these few short lines.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Mar 15, 2022 1:56 pm

You have done justice to it very well here, Terry, with strong lines that really resonate. To see mass graves being dug again is obscene and defies belief, and to watch people fleeing for their lives brings us to tears, especially when you see the confused little children and helpless elderly. I agree with Ron on those two strong lines - we are indeed all left wondering how far honour can fall!

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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Terry » Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:37 am

Thanks Catherine

Hopeless isn't it?


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:14 pm

Your words moved me to tears Terry simply because they captured so well the emotions that I am sure most of the world is feeling especially in relation to the children. Our generation know only to well the horrors of war relived time and time again long after the conflict has ceased. And those last two lines - sadly so true. If only some smart person had the means to change that :cry:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework March /22 -'Return of the Dark Ages'

Post by Terry » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:41 am

Hi Maureen - Thanks

Yes it all seems so hopeless doesn't it.
That one country can just waltz into another country and destroy it,
regardless of the brutal slaying of the innocent population - for that is what it really is,
while the rest of the world look on wringing our hands - says it all IMO.

Then when the UN can't pass a resolution because the one doing the invading has a veto,
tells us how just useless that organisation really is.


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