Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

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Maureen K Clifford
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Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:05 am

I actually wrote this poem (or the bones of it) over 40 years ago, but little has changed since then. If I had my life over things would be different, I would be a lot smarter than I was at 16, a lot smarter than I was even at 40. I would hope that perhaps I might have listened to my own advice, which these days I certainly do but the old saying claims one cannot put an old head on young shoulders, and seems that is very true.

A letter to me … Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

I know, you think you know it all and don’t need my advice;
seventy two, and now past it - so you think.
There is no harm in smoking dope and everybody does it
I know you know there is no harm in drink.
I know you think protected sex is really just old hat,
when drunk you don’t remember anyway,
everyone goes clubbing on Friday and Saturday nights
you’ve been at school all week - now’s time for play.

I know you won’t get pregnant for you claim that you’re not stupid,
you take the pill and that is good protection.
So it is; unless you heave it in the vomit that you spew
after drinking to excess without reflection.
And chucking wheelies is great fun – the smell of burning rubber
and the high you get fishtailing down the street
giving the finger to the folks who glare from roads and footpaths.
They are old farts – who stare and whinge and bleat..

I know you tell me speed won’t kill, you do know what you’re doing -
your reflexes so much better than mine.
You think I drive too cautiously – those oldies at the wheel
are the cause of accidents half of the time.
It’s not the young blokes speeding in super charged muscle cars
who cause the carnage we see on the news;
it’s oldies, not the young ones high on booze and drugs because
they are way cool better drivers, in your view.

If only you would take the time to walk a little while
in my shoes - perhaps your thinking just might change.
Our age is not that different though you think of me as old
I was once like you Teenager, wild and strange.
I also knew it all and I did not have time to listen
to advice offered to me then by Dad.
Compared to him I really am a wussy pussycat.
My Dad was strict as strict – but all I had.

I had a babe at sixteen and that put paid to my life
of excitement, dates and movies, concerts, dances.
When other girls were making out I was making ends meet,
for unwed Mums back then no second chances.
I did the drugs and booze and sex – found it all overrated
I kicked the traces – stayed out all night long,
but then the hard yards kicked in with a baby in a pram.
No welfare back up when things did go wrong.

And though I would not change it, let me tell you there were tears.
with every cent long pondered over … twice.
And that’s not what I want for you – I know you can do better.
Out there the world’s your oyster and it’s nice.
I don’t want you to have regrets for those missed opportunities
because you ‘re doing dumb things, as you do.
I don’t want you to settle even once for second best
because your attitude was wrong and it came through.

I want you to grow strong and be a person people like.
Someone who has respect and decency.
I want you to have manners and a courteous attitude
I want you to be much smarter than me.
I want you to grow up in life and never have regrets
for things you did or said whilst in your youth.
I know! You claim you know it all – you’ve said it many times
but you don’t you know!… I’m telling you the truth.

And if I had grandchildren then to them perhaps I’d say
Kids l think they're bulletproof and life sublime.
Yes! Things seem to have changed since your old Grandma’s day
but they haven’t - it's a small circle in time.
The drugs of choice, they may have changed. The end result’s the same.
No cure as yet for cancer or stillbirth.
The wars we fight across the world still leave the dead and maimed.
Men walk on Mars but can’t find peace on earth,

We may have raised our kids to be computer smart not dense
given them education life denied us
and yet we see so many lacking basic common sense
and illiterate – So how is that a plus?
I stood up to be counted, and one day dears so will you
and I see an endless circle so it seems
and you’ll wonder why your own children took no notice. It’s true!
Between the light and shadows all have dreams.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:51 pm

A very thought provoking verse to start us off, Maureen! Yes, hindsight is always 20/20.

As usual, you are leading the homework by example!!

Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Ron » Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:11 pm

You have certainly bared all there Maureen, good on you, well done! We are the same vintage, so I can relate to a lot of what comes across in your poem, whether by experience or observation. In reflection we 'baby boomers' did have some sort of sense of entitlement didn't we, compared to what our parents had endured. Old head on young shoulders as you say is impossible, only 'experience' can be the teacher. Was it Aristotle (or one of the old philosophers) who said 'the more I get to know, the more I realise I don't know!' ...So true by my life experience!
Enjoyed the read and really liked that last line 'Between the light and shadows all have dreams'.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:00 pm

Yes, this says it all really, Maureen. I guess every generation is similar, just with differing issues. (Like the Thais say here, "Same Same But Different"!) So yes, it is indeed an endless circle in many ways. Like Ron, I too enjoyed the read, and like that last line....I like this bit too, as I think many of us would say the same:

I want you to grow strong and be a person people like.
Someone who has respect and decency.
I want you to have manners and a courteous attitude
I want you to be much smarter than me.

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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by mummsie » Thu Feb 10, 2022 5:15 pm

Ah there’s a lesson or two here Maureen!
I must admit to a smile when imagining you giving the finger or hooning about in fast cars :shock: :lol: but I know plenty who could relate. Thanks for sharing.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Terry » Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:09 am

Hi Maureen

The line in your poem that says it all to me - "If you could walk awhile with me in my shoes"

Thinking of the subject we are writing about, that says it all.
And as you say we can recall it all, the the good times and the bad - mistakes and successes, as some cultures say "It is written".
Although we wouldn't be human if we didn't at times wish we could rewrite a bit of it.

Well done Maureen

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework for February 2022 ... A letter to me

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:16 am

Thank you everyone for your kind comments and taking the time to read my poem. The feedback is always appreciated.

In my head that 16 year old is still very much alive, but I try to have a bit more dignity in my old age, but she is still in there raging :lol: Probably because she didn't have a lot of time to do it - it all came to a grinding halt very quickly ... now I have the time, I don't have the energy except in my imagination :lol:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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