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Jeff Thorpe
Posts: 363
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:54 pm


Post by Jeff Thorpe » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:49 pm


© Jeff Thorpe 24 September 2021

Well, well, well, just what have we here,
think of any interview and listen with close ear,
whatever questions’s asked, the answer usually leads
with the word “Well” and probity recedes.

Politicians are skilled at this, most often because
not liking the query they baulk and pause,
set off on a tangent designed to obfuscate
that for interviewer and listener, certainly frustrate.

Yet, perhaps it’s only surprise placing interviewee at a loss,
on a question unexpected ‘bout which the mind’s not across
so, the old standby “Well” buys some time
for brain cells to awaken and, for listeners benefit, chime.

Tis not just Q and A though where the word “well” shines
it features often within English language confines
we use it every day, probably not even aware
part and parcel of recognised speech, crops up everywhere.

“Well done”, regularly said in praise of some execution,
“well said”, acknowledgment of a speech of elocution,
“well and good” as opposed to imperfection,
“just as well”, not in need of correction.

The list goes on, to “well afford” an acquisition
being “well worth it” under inquisition,
things “going well” or even better “behaving well”
under the rubrics of life’s carousel.

Used as a noun, a “Well” is an excavation in the ground,
advisable “well to know” when children are around,
then expressing emotions, “Well, really!” says it all
while “not feeling well” is a plaintive call.

“Oh well”, resignation to happenstance,
“well over a thousand” an estimate at first glance,
being “well off”, a desirable place to be
knowing someone “well” showing familiarity.

“Watch well what I do”, pay close attention,
“works well under pressure, no sign of any tension,
“shake well before using”, comprehensive direction
scored the try “and kicked goal as well”, justifying selection.

Plenty of examples of “well” used in many a circumstance,
catchphrases used in context and not merely by chance,
a word for all occasions, do I really have to yell
cos, when all’s said and done, “all’s well that ends well”.

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Shelley Hansen
Posts: 2235
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Location: Maryborough, Queensland


Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:25 pm

"Well" said, Jeff! ;)

The other word that politicians love to overuse is "clearly". And have you noticed how many people now start their sentences with "So ..."?

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

Jeff Thorpe
Posts: 363
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:54 pm


Post by Jeff Thorpe » Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:31 pm

Thanks Shelley. I suspect we'll be hearing "well" and "clearly" often over the next few months

Regards, Jeff

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