Lemmings Lament

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Lemmings Lament

Post by ALANM » Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:23 pm

Lemmings Lament
(By Alanm September 2021)

Call me Lemming but I wonder, as I leap into the blue
why the hell that I should keep my social distance.
No-one tells ME what do, it’s just a bloody ‘flu
I’ll glue myself onto the road and take a chance.

I espy a man in black, as he waves his scythe about
directing non believers….. to a cold and dark Abyss.
We’ll hug and kiss as we fly out so we can share the ‘flu about
‘cause it’s all fake news and lies, a millers grist

They say there’s hundreds dead, I ain’t seen no bodies yet
but if it’s true, well it’s only killin’ old folks.
They’ve had their time on earth, it’s past time that they depart
to release lots more resources for us young folks.

They keep whingin’ ‘bout the war and pandemics from before
‘cor strike me blue they’ve never had it tough as we do,
Every day we must decide ‘bout things we can’t ignore
like, how on earth can we afford a new tattoo.

They keep quotin’ from the past, this pandemic may well last
for years and years, we’ll have to learn to do it tough.
Well we say we’re tough enough, just watch us run real fast
from our care of duty…… after all we are just sloughs

In this country there are laws to control those evil guns
you can’t use one to defend, or take a life.
But you can instead spread Delta, to each and every one
and with impunity…….. take someone’s precious life.

But us young’uns needn’t worry, this ‘flu can’t take us down,
we’ll sniffle and we’ll snuffle, then confirm,
the need to get around, spread this ‘flu all over town
‘cause those left standing at the end will be immune.

My mobile phone’s my saviour, it keeps me up to date
on where and when to join the rioters in the city.
We’ll chain ourselves onto a gate to defy the evil state
and to all who disagree we’ll show no pity.

Keep away from them Vaccines, they’re loaded up with bugs
that’ll track you and get inside your brain.
Don’t know why the Guv’ment bothers, to implant all them bugs
guess the ‘flu just on it’s own is too mundane.

So young’uns don’t you worry, you will survive of course
it’s those age-ed resource wasters who’ll go first.
OH NO….fake news is coming in, but I don’t trust the source.
Says Delta now amongst the young… that news is just the worst.

Of course if I’m mistaken and Delta strikes me down
I expect to be forgiven not disdained.
While I’ve shown rank indifference, to my fellow man
I’ll demand a bed in ICU and my life maintained.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Lemmings Lament

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:53 pm

Very topically tongue-in-cheek, Alan!

Must be true if you read it on Facebook!!! :lol:
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: Lemmings Lament

Post by ALANM » Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:17 pm

Hi Shelley
Facebook 👎
Quote ‘We’re all in this together’ what crap!!
It’s every Covid sceptic for himself as they spread the virus around the
country and to hell with we believers.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Lemmings Lament

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:18 am

Hitting a bit close to home now for the young ones isn't it although I have been shocked to see how many oldies are refusing the jab as well - I'm thinking their early senility must be setting in.

The phrase we are all in it together will go down in history IMO as the saying of the covid decade. We may be in it together but our modes of transport are extremely varied with some of us in aged and worn out jalopies and others in brand new fancy state of the art vehicles. However never yet has technology outsmarted common sense. :lol:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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