To the Unmasked

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To the Unmasked

Post by ALANM » Fri Sep 03, 2021 1:22 pm

To the Unmasked
(By Alanm August 2021)

Behind the mask, earnest eyes look out
beseeching and imploring.
Please wear a mask, it’ll help to rout,
the virus…… ‘cause it’s multiplying.

Keep a distance and wash your hands
we can chase the virus from our land.
You should Vaccinate ‘fore it’s too late,
alas…. I know, it’s Guv’ment directives that you hate.

All it takes, for you and for me
is to do the right thing, help to set us free.
What’s that you say, to hell with us
you simply don’t care, you don’t give a toss.

Your indifference is plain, t’wards your fellow man
it’s just about you, you live outside the plan.
But if Delta gets you, you’ll take up a bed,
demand to be saved…. take an Aspirin instead.

I weep for my country, what’s happening to it
selfish clowns all around, not loyal to it.
Johnny come latelies, who’ll not intergrate
sourced from old cultures, founded on hate.
So many anarchists, out to destroy us
What’s to become of Terra Australis.

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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by Ron » Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:04 pm

Well said Al, yeah it is a concern when certain sections (not all) don’t integrate into our Aus culture! A lot of diggers would be turning in their graves!
And as for the other clowns who put social media above science, well I think we’re dealing with paid up members of the flat earth society!!

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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by Terry » Tue Sep 07, 2021 11:31 pm

G/day Alanm

I suppose once most of us are vaccinated,
it will be mostly the anti Vaccinaters and the idiots,
who will be getting crook or dying, and screaming out for help.
As for your other point Alanm, the county has been going to the dogs for a long time now.
And I for one miss the old Australia I grew up with.


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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by ALANM » Wed Sep 08, 2021 2:32 pm

G’day Ron and Terry,
cheers there blokes.
Glad to see I’m not the only one to miss the old Australia we grew up in,
for all it’s faults it was a far better place.
Globalism apparently means that countries like ours must become like the countries the Johnny Come Latelies are escaping from, in order for them to feel right at home and for the new generations to lay waste to the way of life we had in order to parade their hate and division in our streets.
“Paid up members of the flat Earth Society” good one Ron, I knew there had to be a reason they are so intelligent.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:39 am

So true about the rubbish being posted on social media! I'm an occasional user, becoming less occasional by the week after seeing some of the conspiracy theories being propounded - in some cases by people I know and who I thought knew better!

It's like Abraham Lincoln said ... "Beware of believing what you read on Facebook, because it may be a lie!" :? ;) :lol:
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:37 pm

Well said - like others have said the old Australia we all knew and loved is disappearing . Our generation and those before us would put country first, but this current generation don't seem to give a stuff - it is all about them and their rights ...... the wheel will turn full circle and their selfishness will come back and bite them on the bum eventually. We could call that karma
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Re: To the Unmasked

Post by ALANM » Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:02 pm

Hi Shelley & Maureen,
I had thought that the pandemic would see a nation unified against a common enemy, how wrong I am.
The Gods help us if we ever get into a shooting war.
Cheers Alanm.

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