What's yours is mined

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What's yours is mined

Post by ALANM » Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:09 pm

What’s yours is mined
(By Alan McCosker December 2019)

Higher education, doesn’t mean you are well read
or so it seems to me as I watch and shake my head
there’s not an ounce of common sense, in the curriculum
of those glued to the road, out in the midday sun

The rent a crowd have all turned out, a chance to be defiant
to thumb their nose at authority and refuse to be compliant
they scream and shout hang their banners out and thunder
all mining should be banned, from all the land down under

The inner city bourgeoise, in their steel ferraris gather
sipping lattes on the sidewalk, all the affluent together
they sit at metal tables and nod sagely in accord
mining’s made them wealthy, it’s why they can afford

When ore is dug from an open cut or deep down underground
the minerals found enrich our lives, in more ways than can be found
just take a look around your room and point out in truthful fashion
any item you possess that’s had, no mineral somewhere in creation

The world wide web, the internet, is a modern day sensation
but it never uses pigeons, to carry data ‘cross the nations
the digital revolution, in every facet of our living
uses steel and optic fibre, all sourced from despised mining

The solar panels on your roof, a marvelous creation
made of silicon and aluminum, from some mining operation
you can’t build the windfarms out of wood, you’d have to fall a trillion trees
but you’d still need steel to shape the blades, beavers charge to high a fee

take a look in any hospital, where lives are saved by operations
you’ll find machines that ‘ping’ and ‘beep’, as they monitor the patrons
made of stainless steel and plastics, the source of which is there in mining
the ‘ping’ and ‘beep’ from ’lectrickery, along miles of copper wiring

Copper wires and other metals strung on poles move power around
to light our homes and run our tee vees, a multitude of uses found
there’s no component in our modern world, not a single application
that doesn’t have a background in some mining operation

The mobile phones protestors use to call their troops to action
have a list of metals nine miles long, used in their construction
the computers that they use to put their bile out there on twitter
born of the same, plastic and metal but of course that doesn’t matter

In their ears their nose their eyelids too, hang precious metals in abundance
all hard won, for them by miners, for whom now they seek redundance
would they forgo their metal geegaws and take a step back to the past
go back to the caves we came from, I’d bet, not a single one if asked

to wrap themselves in animal skin, to keep out the chilling cold
to give up their planes and giant ships, travel no more ‘round the world
to dig the ground with sticks for yams, crops only watered by the sky
to have only light from firelight, as they roast their raw meat pie

Down a thousand feet below, miners work in their cap lamps glow
to win from mother earth the ore, that builds the world that we all know
what’s yours is mined a truthful phrase, not meant to cause sensation
but everything that you possess, is linked, to a mining operation
Last edited by ALANM on Sat Dec 14, 2019 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: What's yours is mined

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Dec 11, 2019 12:44 pm

Well said Alan
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: What's yours is mined

Post by ALANM » Sat Dec 14, 2019 6:26 am

Thanks Maureen
To me it don't seem right to take advantage of this modern worlds inventions
then bite the hand that feeds you with violent confrontations

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