The Razorback

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Stephen Whiteside
Posts: 3784
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:07 pm

The Razorback

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sun Aug 19, 2018 7:54 pm

The Razorback

Start the day’s walk at the Diamantina.
No little river flows fresher or cleaner.
Prepare yourself well. You’re about to attack
A wild, rugged beauty – the Razorback.

Now, with Mount Feathertop fixed in your sights,
Feast on the spread of the alpine delights.
Of sights and of scents there is never a lack
In the ravishing world of the Razorback.

The flowers that bloom on the slopes in the spring,
The snow gums that onto the rock outcrops cling;
Nothing is wasted, not even a crack,
In the struggle for life on the Razorback.

An eagle might glide up above in the blue,
A little red robin might dance by your shoe.
To glimpse all the birds you will soon learn the knack,
As your heart leaps with joy on the Razorback.

Carry fresh water. The day can get hot,
And if you run out, you can get in a spot.
There isn’t much shelter, not even a shack,
Till you get to the end of the Razorback.

Also take mittens and beanie along,
For the air can turn cold and the wind can blow strong.
Don’t be surprised if the sky turns to black
At all times of year on the Razorback.

When you’ve finished your journey, you shouldn’t quite stop.
Climb to the summit of Mount Feathertop.
Make the walk easy. Let go of your pack.
You’ve worked hard enough on the Razorback.

Then down to the campsite for food and good cheer.
Reflect, if you will, on a day without peer,
Then get up next morning, and back on the track.
Retrace your steps on the Razorback.

Back in the city, you’re soon in the groove
Of trips on the train where you barely can move,
But memories, at random, will often come back
Of the weekend you spent on the Razorback.

© Stephen Whiteside 17.08.2018
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: The Razorback

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:27 pm

Sounds like the perfect adventure, Stephen.

I like the way you've contrasted the vastness and the big picture with the little details ... for example
An eagle might glide up above in the blue,
A little red robin might dance by your shoe.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Stephen Whiteside
Posts: 3784
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:07 pm

Re: The Razorback

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:46 pm

Thanks, Shelley.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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