PowerPoint presentation for schools bush poetry

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Gary Harding
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PowerPoint presentation for schools bush poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:02 am

For those ABPA members who may find themselves, as I did recently, invited to address a large group of school students on the subject of Bush Poetry (and Bush Music) ...

https://www.facebook.com/gary.harding.7 ... 7099721106

I have uploaded the PowerPoint Presentation that I used, into my Dropbox.

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8j43q280wjxz ... qd7Ia?dl=0

It follows the evolution of the Australian ballad from simple nursery rhyme through to the rigorous structured form, with examples.
It is aimed at Year 4 level students and was very effective.

The Youtube clip of The Man From Snowy River with recitation (F.J. Holden) was also projected on-screen and ran for about 10 mins and held the students' attention.

Obviously the Bush Music section can be taken out if needed.. but the PowerPoint work is a useful plan and a big timesaver if you ever get put on the spot.
I will leave the PP file on my dropbox site and it will be available to be downloaded and saved to a DVD until the end of the year 2016 when I will remove it to make way for other stuff. Please feel free to modify it to suit your own requirements.

1. If you are unfamiliar with DropBox, click on the file and then choose Open and select with Powerpoint on-line, to see the file properly.
2. To download it, click on the box with three dots and select Download.

I wish this sort of lesson was made available to all Queensland students. They responded extremely positively.

At least this group of students are acquainted with Lawson and Paterson now.

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