Moderator resignation

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Moderator resignation

Post by Heather » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:15 pm

Hello forum users,

I noted, sadly, that many of the forum users have been deleted from the members list. By deleting those users all their poems have also been deleted as well as all the history for the past 6 years. All Matt's beautiful poems - gone! All the poems from other poets no longer with us - gone. That's poetic history, our joint history - gone!

I found the ABPA via this forum. I came here, found my way, learnt through interaction with other forum users, grew confident enough to post, then went to events and met people and then joined the ABPA. I would NOT have found the ABPA without being able to use the forum - and the same goes for most of the people I know that have used the forum. It is the death knell for the forum and does not bode well for the ABPA.

I no longer wish to be a forum moderator. I am disappointed in this latest short sighted action. I am devastated at the rudeness that was shown to some of the forum users and want no part of it any more.

I have asked that I be removed as a moderator.

Heather Knight

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:55 pm

Hi Heather and Everyone

Firstly may I assure you that the valued posts of former Forum members have NOT been deleted. They are still there, including Kym's and those of past and inactive Forum users.

For example, here is one of Kym's: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=916

I have passed on these concerns to our administrator who assures me that there is absolutely no intention to remove such treasured historical information. Once the Forum upgrade is complete we will no doubt receive further communication on navigating its various sections.

In all of my Forum communications I have endeavoured to be clear, concise, courteous - and never rude. I am sorry if anyone thinks otherwise.

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")


Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Heather » Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:59 pm

I'm sorry Shelley but that is not correct. Matt's poems have disappeared. The comments are there but none of the poems or posts by Matt.


Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Heather » Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:41 pm

Shelley I was in no way implying that you were rude to anyone. You have always been polite and I am sorry you misinterpreted my comments to include yourself.

Removing the posting ability of people who are not financial members of the ABPA is a huge backward step. Many, many non financial members have used this site, interacted, learned from that interaction, found new friends, discovred and attended poetry events and found the ABPA. That door is closed now.

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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by mummsie » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:02 pm

Sorry Shelley, but I have tried to find numerous poems written by Kym-to no avail. What on earth is this forum coming to. To have the valued work of one of our most respected writers and contributers removed, along with others such as matts, is beyond comprehension. Please-would someone like to explain why such a drastic and moronic step has been taken. Right now, words fail me.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Rhonda Tallnash
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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Rhonda Tallnash » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:23 pm

Dear Sue

Kym's poems are still there. If you look via the Board Index at the originators of threads you will see Kym's name and poems in many spots.
People who were not financial members of ABPA were given the opportunity to join via a private email from Shelley and the chance to join with a $45 membership fee (which will be the new fee for all members as of January 2017) which would have taken them through to December 2017. Many people opted to join which is great for the Association. They also had six weeks' grace. This Forum, like many other Forums for interest groups, is a benefit for members of the Association. The public can view, but only members can post. I'm sure you'd agree that there should be some added benefit for paying your dues every year. The moderators were advised of these changes a number of weeks ago.
This database, like many similar databases, has limitations, and once a person is no longer a user, the 'search' ability on that name is void. A new version upgrade in the future may make this process easier. Matt's poems and posts may have inadvertently been deleted. That can be investigated. I hope that explains a bit. Kind regards, Rhonda

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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by mummsie » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:42 pm

Hi Rhonda
Thank you for the explanation but on entering the title of a few of Kyms poems through the "search" heading, I'm left with posts on that poem but no poem. Maybe its me.
I would certainly like to think that poems/posts from deceased members would be afforded the respect of permanency on this forum.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Bob Pacey » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:58 pm

Same for me Sue I can tell you if you people have stuffed this up you will know all about it !

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Rhonda Tallnash
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Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Rhonda Tallnash » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:59 pm

Dear Sue and Bob

I just searched for Kym's 'Driftwood Dreaming' and, you're right, the related posts appeared first but if you back up to the first page of the thread you will find the poem. I agree about keeping the work of deceased poets and Kym's poems and Frank Daniels' poems are still here. It just seemed odd that they remain with 'user' status, but that can always be looked at and maybe there is a way of listing them differently. We did ask Forum users to be patient as we ironed out the bugs in any new and updating process. There is absolutely no disrespect intended. Thanks again, Kind regards, Rhonda


Re: Moderator resignation

Post by Heather » Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:49 pm

It appears that all of Matt's poems AND his comments have disappeared. Page 4 of User's poetry - While Thinking of South Country is the title of one of Matt's poems but the poem itself and all his subesquent postings are no longer there. Matt is probably our most accomplished and popular poets. Where have his poems and postings gone?

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