Mill By The Pond (Revision)

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Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by LongMan » Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:51 pm

G'day All,

I was going to post this under the old original posting but I thought it would be much better under a new heading. I hope those in-charge don't mind. The main reason for posting is to show the computer rendering of the image of Mill by the pond. It was just finished after hang'n around on my HD for some time unfinished. Trust me I'm still learning how to do this with a computer so the image might be a little rusty to those that know their stuff.

There is no actual place called "Mill By the Pond" I made it up on a whim and winged it....I hope you guys like it. If you would like a much larger signed copy with poem please feel free to email me and we might be able to work something out.



Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Lights of diamond sparkle, on cool waters of this pond
Unkempt groves of tall oak trees, hide all thats beyond
Viewed from the bank, schools of fish slowly swim
Bewitching willows leaves dance, for this northerly winds whim
Floating carpets of lilies, flowers of white appear from evenings spawned

Music of Spring fills my ears, on this theatrical tranquil tryst
Busy birds fill the air, soaring, then darting, quickly, then very swift,
very young birds chirp, always greedy for their parents gift
Some unborn eggs lie in nests, warmed by their soft mothers breast
Mother nature brings joys to all, as I lie here half adrift

A bank made of natures finest, this carpet of grass green
This gives me a lazy bed, so soft, in slumber causes this welcomed dream
I lie here thinking nothing on earth matters, yet so it seems
Earthly troubles seem to leave me, natures gift is now firmly deemed
We all wish to be in places like this, yet who would believe

This tattered old stone Mill house built in 1870 sits unused
Its walls once stout and clean, now ivy covered and misused
Once useful, now retired for sugar brought in white cardboard boxes
Wheel and windows broken, doors all frozen, slate roof broken and abused
Local county folk no longer care, been long forgotten, now abandoned

A lonely turtle, it's trying to feel for a meal of mozzies and quick blow flies
But their speed is fast, as they swoosh past, he goes hungry after many tries
The sharp kookaburra sits on the old veranda rail watching any movement,
she's looking for a quick easy meal, yet moving away might be more prudent
I spy these little dramas as I look around, thankfully my worries seem truant

Then I look here at my artists pallet, brushes, oils and wooden easel
The colours, and perspective, for this theme is so unbelievable
Clouds form of white, purples and sky blues so variable
Mirrors of greens, from willows, tall oaks, cascading bushes
A test of all my skills, with art, my old hands and fine sable brushes

Dark clouds, winds begin to rise, a storms beginning to threaten
Once tranquil scene, an artist gift, now must be abandoned
Thunder, a flash of lightning, quickly I must pack, all is forsaken
Blast, my art work is lost, to rains and icy hails cynical pelting
Yet, with these rhyming words, its kept this artists soul from grieving.

Those artistic wonders all, while being at the pond.

© 2016 - By Phil Ludolph
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:10 pm

Hi Phil

You've certainly created a strong visual image with your words - and I really like the digital image as well!

Is it a digitally-enhanced imagine of a drawing you've done, or have you created it digitally "from scratch"? (As you can see, digital art is not a medium I'm familiar with).

Lovely to see you contributing your poetry for our enjoyment :)

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by LongMan » Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:05 pm

G'day Shelley,

I'm glad you liked it. The written text was one of the original written works that I posted here on ABPA. I've added to it but I'm not so sure now. I think it still needs some work to make it smoother what you think?

The image is from scratch as there is no place called "Mill By The Pond". This was all from my twisted imagination using some photographic references from here and there. I had started this digital image over 4yrs ago using a simple linux drawing program; but things got out of hand here. I must add I'm not a graphic designer nor in any way a professional in CAD/tech work. However I always was able to draw something with a lead pencil and I believe that is important. Just having a computer drawing program doesn't make you an artist instantly. After a few youtube videos and a lot of trial and error...I started to learn how to do this...Some others do draw the image first in pencil then scan the image in and make adjustments with the computer. But this is all from scratch...

The image I posted is of low resolution and soft in detail. The larger image shows much better detail to included birds flying and in trees, the long neck turtle, frog...plants...etc..."its way much better"! I'm currently working on fixing my 8yrs old HP printer and be able to print out a B&W 11x17 on glossy paper for those that would like it. I suggest placing my poem below it... in a frame. I don't think poetry should be limited to just words...but the two should be complementary.

Thanks for commenting.


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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:29 pm

I totally agree with you that an image and poem should complement each other and I love your drawing - excellent. It is really something - amazingly detailed. You have some lovely phrasing in your poem -

Unkempt groves of tall oak tree -

Some unborn eggs lie in nests, warmed by their soft mothers breast - how sweet. You might want to go and add an ' into mother's breast

Mirrors of greens, from willows, tall oaks, cascading bushes Very painterly

I agree with you that the poem itself needs a little polish as our Zondrae was always want to say - but its pretty good. Give it a couple of days and go back to it it might just fall into line for you
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by LongMan » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:49 am

G'day Maureen,

Yeah its been a while since my last post. Been dealing with things here...that haven't been pleasant.

I wrote this in the beginning with in a flowery, soft, romantic was deliberate. A vividness in words shall we say. Yeah I have to go over it again till it is right....and smooth in verse. I guess what a classical romantic poem should be.

As for the image. I've always been a fan of the great English landscape painter - John Constable of the 1700's - with his remarkable studies of the Suffork country side. Yet I like shadows and how they can dramatically influence a piece. I'm still learning...and I hope to figure that one out. The capture of light and movement is always key when crafting a image. Otherwise it become a still life...somewhat. I tried to use the words in my poem to provide the colour, movement, and drama to the Black and White image....experimenting here just to be different.

Thanks for commenting.


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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:50 am

Hi Phil

Wow - that is fascinating about how you created the graphic image. I paint and draw myself but have never tried to do it with a "mouse"! :D So many options out there!

I always find if I have problems with the "flow" of a poem (and like all of us, I do at times), that singing the lines helps immensely. It doesn't have to be an actual known tune (although it is good if you can find one to fit the opening rhythm). But just a few variations of notes with a rhythm can work well and soons shows up the places where it needs smoothing out.

Here's a suggestion ... try singing your poem to the tune of the Seekers' "Morningtown Ride"! ;)

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by LongMan » Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:24 pm

G'day Shelley,

I must say this sketch was never done with a mouse. There is an artists pad and pen that is used which is electronic and a speciality item. I found one that was for sale in a second-hand store. I still prefer the old way thou as it means you have skill and know your tools. But the computer stuff is still new....touch screen and pencils all tricky things.

Computers are smart and they will be giving us 3d printers that will simulate brush strokes like the great masters. Time is the only thing ....

Shelley I don't have a singing voice....its too deep. I guess some say I sound like Leonard Cohen...or Darth Vader...Yet I think I just sound like me I guess, but thanks for the tip.

I'm currently working on another piece....and text.


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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:36 pm

I am in awe of anyone who can draw like this, Phil - you are clearly extremely talented in more ways than one! The poem is lovely too and will be wonderful with some more polish as the others have said. I think your idea of putting the two together is excellent - I've thought of doing something like that myself in the past, but would have had to have found an artist or photographer other than myself for the project whereas you can do it all yourself. The Mill by the Pond is an idyllic setting and hard to believe it's not a real place - I would be very proud of this if I were in your shoes!

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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Jul 13, 2016 4:55 pm

Who needs a singing voice, Phil??? ;)

I sing in the shower myself - maybe that's why the neighbours always seem to be planning long holidays ... :lol:

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
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Re: Mill By The Pond (Revision)

Post by LongMan » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:10 am

G'day Shelley, Maureen and Catherine,

I want to thank you all for your kind comments. I'm still learning new things and how to make myself better.

As for the drawing/sketch - its not realistic but more imaginative - dream like even. I just hope other ABPA members and visitors take the time and reads my poem and views my little sketch. It takes a long time for me to do this and I appreciate any comments as they only make one better.

Thanks again.


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