Are we dying as an Association?

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Neville Briggs
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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:29 am

It seems to be in part an Australian cultural thing Neil. In my years of kicking around I have the seen the same thing over and over again. People form some sort of collective but it ends up with the same few getting voted in time after time as the "office holders" and the rest stay content just to join in more or less as adherents. Eventually the few fade away, it is inevitable.

Am I imagining it but at meetings or assemblies in Australia, the audience always heads for the seats up the back, the first few rows remain empty. Maybe that gives us a clue to something.

Of course there is also the attrition due to circumstances beyond our control. Life's changes get in the way and some of our prominent members have died and some are aging and sick ( sorry that is inevitable ).

And also in my neck of the woods, the rural landscape of farms and bush homesteads etc. has been turned into gaping canyons of coal mines. Unless our local mob can find poetry in multi-national mining companies and mechanised gouging of the earth on a grand scale, I suppose that's one area where bush poetry is losing ground as an expression of people's experience. I guess bush poetry still resonates as a bit as nostalgia, but nostalgia can only last so long, we have to move on.

One thing I did think of but I don't know whether this is do-able, I wondered if it would be of any benefit if the forum had an on-line poetry comp with some sort of attractive prize. There are on-line comps. At one stage Maureen was giving little recognition awards for the workshop entries. Frank Daniel offered a book as a prize once for a comp in answering a question on-line. ( I won it, still have the autographed book :lol: ) . Of course that means a lot of work for the web techno nerds. hmm. perhaps too much for too few yet again.

That's just a few of my rambling thoughts. I still can't come up with a sure answer.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Gary Harding
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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Gary Harding » Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:13 am

In January 2015 I wrote to the Arts Minister with a comprehensive plan for supporting Traditional/Bush Poetry. It offered many ideas aimed at lifting the profile of bush poetry. Space is too short here to go into a full discussion of its many facets. Much effort went into that Plan and it offered the core of what at least was a strong move to both support and promote our beloved craft. It is still a vital jumping off point.

Prior to that I made my feelings known in government about $80,000 tax free of public money for "poetic" work entitled "A Woman at 40 Weeks Gestation Contemplates her Undergarments". I made the point strongly that this hardly represents Poetry in the Australian sense and nor does it represent the pinacle of cultural excellence in our supposed Australian culture. I was at pains to point out that this type of scene is not popular Bush Poetry which maintains and enjoys infinitely higher standards of writing and subject matter and is by far the more representative of Australian poetic literary excellence.

I have always unashamedly maintained an attitude on this forum of "keep poetry clean" because that is the standard set by the greats... those balladists like Lawson, Paterson, O'Brien and Dennis.

The recent Commonweatlth Arts Enquiry offered the wonderful opportunity to again promote Bush Poetry. My extensive (as usual) submission, for those who have not read it, presses the case for traditional poetry and for those who write it and those who perform it to be supported. Old vinyl records are coming back into fashion so why not bush poetry for a fad-hungry public. Funding and direct government support can enable many things. The relevant thread on this forum has more than 1400 views so there must be interest somewhere, even if not ABPA itself.

So if the ABPA wants a future and especially one that has growth, I believe that at an individual level people have to get right behind the sort of stuff I describe above.
Overwhelm it with personal support, and not snipe at it.

Make those who would sideline bush poetry, think twice.

You do not have to go in to fight yourself if it is not your thing but at least get strongly behind it as an association of bush poets.

With membership, my experience has been that sitting back and waiting for people to come to you is useless. ABPA needs a non-shy Membership Convenor who is prepared to use the telephone and ring people, pester them for a poem or a post... see what they want to get out of ABPA... or just get them to join and have some fun. Be proactive.

Everyone may have a different aspect of bush poetry that they enjoy. Some like competitions, others performance, campfires, writing or collecting old poetry books!! ABPA has to cater for all aspects... with get togethers at least offered. I would gladly offer my home to any bush poets or gathering of poets.

The easy part is to complain about a diminishing bush poetry scene. The hard yard is to get off one's backside and give written support to those who aggressively do something about it. I believe that if one is weak and not aggressive and forthright in pressing a case like this, then you are wasting your time. It is a real, measureable and positive outcome that I want for bush poetry, not a popularity award. So give that kinda stuff active support.

If you are at least an average writer of bush poetry and have not sent in at least one poem to the TAT magazine that does such a brilliant and courageous job in getting Bush Poetry out there... then how can you complain about the ABPA dying and moan about low participation???

I suggest that an OUTWARD looking attitude that envisages Bush Poetry on a grander scale, to complement one's own interest at a self-level is the way of the future for ABPA and bush poetry. Rising ABPA membership numbers then create their own positive momentum.

A future that typically at least lets kids hear The Man From Snowy River once in their lives will lay the foundation for a bush poetry future and hence a vibrant ABPA.

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:05 am

No-one is complaining or moaning, we are debating the issue.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by keats » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:18 am

If you are at least an average writer of bush poetry and have not sent in at least one poem to the TAT magazine that does such a brilliant and courageous job in getting Bush Poetry out there... then how can you complain about the ABPA dying and moan about low participation???
As great a job as Maureen does with the TAT eMag, we have our own Magazine as well. One put out by the Association. The Association I am referring to in my initial post. That is where I was referring to a lack of input and interest re. submissions.

As for the Political part, we rose from the ashes with no political input and survived as a a grand Association for a long time without their input, and hopefully still can. I am in the school of never mix politics with Art. You may get a grant but it will cost you your soul eventually. We have survived without them.

It's a healthy debate, though, and good to see different angles being discuss.




Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Heather » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:37 am

Neil when I was an editor of an historical newsletter I always had to ask people for articles for the newsletter (or research and write them myself) - always. It was a huge amount of work and I did it for eleven years. My newsletter was quarterly (12 pages) so I know and appreciate how much work must go into a bi-monthly magazine and admire you for the effort you go to. I wonder if a quarterly magazine might lesson your load?

If you put a note on the form each month asking for poems I think it might jog people's memories and perhaps if there was a theme which you sometimes have, you can ask for contributions that reflect that theme. I think in the past when you have put a note up that you require contributions, the forum members have responded. As I said, I always had to ask - I don't think it is something unique to the ABPA members. You as the editor have it on your mind all the time but it isn't really on the radar screen of everyone else with their busy lives. Hope that might help.

Heather :)

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Terry » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:44 am

I actually think that Gary raises some good points, and this is not forgetting the excellent work being done by a handful of other dedicated people.
The clear fact remains; Bush Poetry at the moment is in decline, and we should be prepared to give serious consideration to new ideas.

Good on you Gary for at least being prepared to come up with some new ideas - you're obviously passionate about Bush poetry mate.

Cheers Terry


Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Heather » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:50 am

Is bush poetry in decline? Was it ever practised by the masses? On what basis do people think it is in decline. Where are the stats?

heather :)

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Gary Harding
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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Gary Harding » Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:11 am

I think we are all on the same page, but just attacking it from different angles.

Unfortunately to get to some worthwhile objectives you just have to deal in politics.

If you want to ease bush poetry into schools for example where there is total dominance by Free Verse now, a letter to a local MP will not do it. It has to be ushered in subtly as part of an overall "project". Money to subsidise CD's or Books that are Bush Poetry related again cannot be achieved with a single begging letter to the Arts Ministry. They would laugh at you.

The new Catalyst program in Arts is a project-based approach where individuals can have their hands in the trough less. Hence its unpopularity.

I have done the extensive groundwork and this year I am hoping for something tangible for Bush Poetry. It is a noble cause after all. The Project in this case is (belated) promotion and support for Bush Poetry as per Lawson/Paterson. Not expensive at all... but lots of kudos for a savvy politician.

Heather has clearly summed it up very well .. that is you do have to chase people. Just the way it is..

Obviously you need both Members/participants and Organisers. I used to be a member of a club with a persistent Membership Convenor who was forever ringing and saying "...are you going to this or that, and if not why not.. no excuses.. where is an article for the mag?" Got me off my lazy tail. A real pest but that Membership soared! which made for a populous and fun club... with lots of girls too, which was a major interest then.

I nominate Heather for ABPA Membership Convenor. A quarterly newsletter for 11 years is a great achievement. Phone account can be heavily subsidised by Association funds.

Why not give Senator Mitch Fifield (Arts Minister) c/o Parliament House Canberra, a free membership to ABPA, in anticipation of all the support that he is going to give this neglected branch of Australian Literature. A life membership for George Brandis for reading bush poetry in Estimates. Maybe George would be our patron? After all if you want to collect the eggs, you have to feed the chooks!

... is that ethical? buying favours perhaps? I don't know but when it comes to Bush poetry, politics and promotion, I for one have no ethics. :)

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Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by keats » Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:32 pm

We are on a Merry-Go-Round here re the Magazine. It is not the issue. Asking for submissions here has rarely helped as we have such little traffic and so few users of the Forum. That was my point. Where have all our passionate Poets gone?

I suppose we will find out at the upcoming AGM where we stand. Hopefully it will be positive outcome.



Re: Are we dying as an Association?

Post by Heather » Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:51 pm

So, Neil, I gather you are you wanting submissions from people who are not on the forum?

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