Broken Ski Results

Event Organisers can post Results here, with a reminder to also forward any results to the Admin for posting on the Main ABPA page.
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Shelley Hansen
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Broken Ski Results

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:42 pm

Greetings All ...

In answer to Brenda's query about the Broken Ski results - I just received an email tonight. I assume the same email has gone to other interested parties. Here is a cut-n-paste ...

Results of The Broken Ski Award for written original poetry

1st - Dreamtime Dreaming - Terry Piggott, Lynwood West Australia.
2nd - Channel No. 5 - Shelley Hansen, Maryborough Qld
3rd - A Bushmans Farewell - Terry Piggott, Lynwood West Australia.
Highly Commended
Memories of a Country Show - Shelley Hansen
A Snowy River Tale - Tom McIlveen

5-9 yrs
1st - The Klonkeplonk - Matilda Jenkins, aged 8, Farrer ACT
2nd - I’m Not Afraid of Winter - Phoebe Mermelas, Bardwell Park NSW
3rd - The Melting - Kye Docherty, Lue public School NSW
Highly Commended
The War Widow - Sharon Fanggidae, Carindale Christian College Brisbane
The Summer Break - Brooke Comisky, Carindale Christian College Brisbane

10-11 yrs
1st - Four Seasons - Jessica Brown, St Ives NSW
2nd - Uluru - Conan Mo, Carindale Christian College Brisbane
3 rd - Cricket - Sean Gao, Carindale Christian College Brisbane
Highly Commended
Tapestry of White - Adam Van Horan, Gordon NSW

Intermediate Section (High School)
1st - The Meadow - Priya Vakil, East Maitland NSW
2nd - Memories of Him - Ashlyn Magill, Ballarat Victoria
3rd - Feeding Politicians - Sharnee Rawson

Congratulations once again Terry ... you're on a roll :D

Cheers, Shelley
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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David Campbell
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by David Campbell » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:41 pm

Well done, Shelley and Terry! Thoroughly deserved, both of you. Something in the water out west at the moment, eh Terry?


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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Terry » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:56 pm

Thanks David

I'm thinking of buying a lotto ticket while the lucks in.

Oops almost forgot to congratulate Shelley and the other poets.


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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Shelley Hansen » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:18 pm

Thank you so much David and Terry! Yes, it was a thrill for me to pick up 2nd and HC.

I'm used to playing second fiddle to you David - now it appears I'm getting some practice at being "bridesmaid" to Terry as well :lol:

Cheers, Shelley
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
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Bob Pacey
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:09 am

Good onya Terry,

Performed A Bushmans Farewell last night and it always goes over well.

How did you lot manage to push Tom down the winners list ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Brenda Joy » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:03 am

Thanks Shelley and huge congratulations to you and to all the winners especially Terry -- as you say, on a roll but not unexpected. His writing comes from sincerity. Good on you Terry.
Sing HU to open your heart.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:47 am

You all did very well - Congratulations
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Terry » Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:19 pm

Thanks Maureen

G/day Bob & thanks mate.

I've always liked that one myself.
Perhaps Tom's run out of poems?

Thanks Brenda
Like you as mentioned to Bob, my output has almost come to a standstill.
Except for the odd Homework poem, which I quite enjoy doing.
Perhaps I'll get my second wind soon and get moving again.
Mind you I always have gone in occasional bursts.

Cheers Terry

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Catherine Lee » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:44 pm

I can relate to that last comment about 'occasional bursts' Terry! ;) Sincere congratulations to both you and Shelley - both of you being right up there twice is brilliant news!

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Broken Ski Results

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:22 pm

Thanks Catherine - yes, a lovely surprise for me because I chose a couple of "different" poems for this competition. I like to try to submit a variety of verse rather than flood the field with the same ones - though I do sometimes have one poem in concurrent competitions, or use it again if it is unsuccessful.

I'm so pleased to hear you and Terry talk about your "bursts" of writing activity. I'm the same - sometimes I can be quite prolific, then I'll have a hiatus and wonder what is wrong with me!

It is interesting to talk to other writers about how and when they write. Some say they write better when they are burdened or unwell (an outlet of emotion, I guess). However I have to have a relatively uncluttered mind and be feeling well to write successfully - otherwise I just can't get my head around it. Also if I am beset by a thousand other jobs waiting to be done, I can't concentrate properly.

Then again, sometimes in the middle of the night the most fabulous ideas come to me. Sometimes I jot them down - but sometimes I don't, and in the morning all I remember is that I had a great idea ... nothing else :(

What was it Hemingway said? "There is nothing at all to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed!!"

Cheers, Shelley
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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