Price of Bananas Deja Vu

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Price of Bananas Deja Vu

Post by vwalla » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:00 pm


His floppy school hat hides his eyes, the large brim swamps his head
and probably this hat belonged,to a year nine boy instead .
This puny, year one guileless child, on skinny bony pins,
with band aids in abundance on his soccer damaged shins .

A six year old with naïve thoughts would never be suspect
the perils he is facing, or of what he could expect.
He’s innocent and unaware as he ambles home from school
of mortal danger he’s exposed, beside the swimming pool.

He trundles up that well worn path, he does it every day
In fact he knows each rock and stone he’s kicked at on the way.
His well worn shoes are evidence, he’s given them a caning
In fact it is a miracle, there still are toes remaining.

But most of all incredibly, within his grimy hand
he holds aloft his bounty, craved throughout the land .
Not only in this seaside town - but North, South, East and West
All women, men and children too, are on this treasure quest.

The price we pay per kilo prevents most folk from buying
And doubtless we are lusting , in fact there’s no denying
that ever since the mighty storm which damaged all the crops
The price has been prohibitive in all greengrocers’ shops.

It’s made a threat to National Debt, its value governs rates
Indeed it plays a leading role how government operates.
So the bully in the bushes waits, so patiently concealed.
He’s coveted this treasure - since when first it was revealed

And now this tiny schoolboy (unwittingly it seems)
Is just about to lose it all and shatter all his dreams.
And as the unsuspecting boy, is robbed of his Nirvana
He agonises on the loss, of his priceless rare BANANA!!

This tiny schoolboy had such a look of relish on his face as he walked across the schoolground, I could not help (with my weird sense of humour) think of the danger to which he could be exposed!! VAL WALLACE August 13, 2006

The price of Bananas rocketed out of sight after the damaging storm in Innisfail Queensland and now it is in 2011 Déjà vu!!


Re: Price of Bananas Deja Vu

Post by Heather » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:48 pm

That's terrific Val. I recall the last cyclone that sent the bananas sky rocketing in price. I think they got up to about $14 a kilo here and of course most people couldn't afford them. We spent two weeks in New Zealand on holiday and I will never forget the reaction of my kids when they saw bananas in the supermarket for two dollars something. There were shrieks of delight which drew strange looks. We then sat on the foreshore in Wellington and had bananas for lunch. Very memorable.
The bananas were imported from South America somewhere.

Heather :)

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Price of Bananas Deja Vu

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:36 pm

:lol: :lol: Just goes to prove that it is the simple things in life that often give the greatest pleasure.
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Bob Pacey
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Re: Price of Bananas Deja Vu

Post by Bob Pacey » Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:18 pm

I wish someone had robbed me of mine the other day were bloody horrible.

Yellow fever

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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