Pine logs at "The Singing Gardens", Toolangi

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Stephen Whiteside
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Pine logs at "The Singing Gardens", Toolangi

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:36 pm

Yesterday was the C. J. Dennis Society AGM, held at the home of C. J. Dennis, "The Singing Gardens", in Toolangi, 65 km east of Melbourne.

These massive pine trees were threatening to fall on the home of the owners, Jan and Vic Williams, and had to be cut down.

Thanks to Maggie Somerville for the photo.

I was very happy to accept the role of President of the Society for another year.
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Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: Pine logs at "The Singing Gardens", Toolangi

Post by r.magnay » Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:21 pm

...did they actually threaten Stephen, or did someone just think they did...? :)

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Pine logs at "The Singing Gardens", Toolangi

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:25 pm

I have no idea, Ross. Mine not to reason why...
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Gary Harding
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Re: Pine logs at "The Singing Gardens", Toolangi

Post by Gary Harding » Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:28 pm

Some years ago while living in Victoria I drove up to Toolangi on a sort of pilgrimage. To try and connect with C.J. Dennis I suppose... I don't know.

Very winding road to get up there.. barby and beer in the boot. (you could do that in those days without fear)

Maybe I was trying to get a feel for what might have inspired him?

On the way back I could not resist pulling off the road and doing a bushwalk.

Toolangi State Forest.

After a short time bush-bashing I came across some small plants growing amid the bracken that looked familiar. Where had I seen them before??? Ah.. yes... marijuana... pot-plants.
Surely not!! This was after all.. Toolangi! C.J. Dennis territory... sacred... NO! I must have been mistaken. Forget it. No medals for calling the cops, only humiliation when it turned out to be nothing at all... which no doubt it would be.

Then 12 months later on the evening News.... "Police find crop of marijuana in Toolangi State Forest."

I could have told them that!!

Ah well.... I often think back .. could the headline have been, "Bush Poet on Pilgrimage finds Pot Plants"....

Will never know I suppose. Maybe C.J. himself was guiding me there... ? Life throws up some interesting things, doesn't it...?

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