Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:57 pm

By the way, I find myself very much in accord with David's comments about the Bush Laureate awards - although I am very disappointed that the 'Children's Poem of the Year' category has been removed. I do understand that the low number of entries was a problem, but I remain firmly convinced that this could easily be rectified if a proper effort was made to to publicise the award through the children's literature channels. I very much hope the category will be re-introduced next year, and properly advertised. I would be very happy to provide advice in this regard.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Terry » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:49 pm

That's fine Stephen,

I Know it's a bit strange having to send in a poem and also email a copy; this wont happen in the future.

It's all a bit rushed this year as it's the first one and we have had our hands full setting things up for the festival, but I'm sure it will all be worthwhile in future as this Comp grows and I'm sure it will.

Thanks a lot for supporting us with your entry - and good luck in the Comp.

Regards Terry

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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Terry » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:56 pm

Just read your last post Stephen,

I'm sure you're right regarding publicity, we will have to work a lot harder over here next year with our new festival and we will.
Things don't happen unless we put in the effort.

Even when you have something that seems to be working well, you can't relax, you have to keep putting the message out there.



Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:22 pm

G'day Terry, you blokes do well over there in the West, as does Jan in Victoria. There are certainly swings and roundabouts in our craft. On one hand clubs are struggling and even disbanding, yet elsewhere there is growth.

Our professional performers still pack them in at the various festivals around the country. I just came back from Texas (Qld) where the venue was indeed packed out. The same at Gympie, Boondoomba, Nanago (need to confirm with Neil on Mildura). These venues are where most new people are (re)introduced to our craft.

In the early days, individual poets went out and promoted the Bush Poet's Breakfast concept (commonplace today) and even set up their own shows like, the "Naked Poets".
Poets back then wanted to expand the 'pie' not shrink it.

And they did expand it.

The ABLA hosts awards for 'published' works. The ABPA represents ALL poet's interests.
A few short years back there was a concerted push to have our own Awards, for a number of reasons, mainly stemming from disquiet (anger actually) with the ABLA. The proposed ABPA awards were NOT to be in competition to the ABLA, but in concert with (expanding the pie).
The issue of the ABLA changing and dropping categories has been around for a long time now, and doubtless will continue. Understandably writers can get a bit twitchy if they see their Awards 'pie' shrinking.

There are a number of individual (professional) poets who work, not with the odd school or two but with 'catchments'. School catchments the size of Victoria. Others are highly regarded in the corporate world. These individuals are doing a considerable amount in pushing "Bush Poetry" - expanding the pie. They do this without seeking accolades. I'm sure it would be 'nice' to be recognised by your peers.

Teddy-bears and Rainbows ...

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:59 am

There are various ways of promoting rhyming verse, and there are various ways of being 'professional'.

My particular interest is in the publication of rhyming/bush verse for children in high quality, professional publications. These could take the form of magazines, anthologies or collections.

Unfortunately, these markets are shrinking.

By far the most prolific publisher of poetry for children is the NSW Department of Education, which publishes "School Magazine". School Magazine publishes magazines for four levels of primary aged children, as follows:

Countdown (ages 8 - 9)
Blast Off (ages 9 - 10)
Orbit (ages 10 - 11)
Touchdown (ages 12 and over)

Each of these is published monthly, excluding January and December. This means four magazines are published ten times a year - a total of forty magazines. As a general rule, each magazine publishes 2 - 3 poems. That means they publish over 100 poems for children a year.

They publish both free and rhyming verse, but it is probably true to say they publish a preponderance of free verse, probably, again, because the preponderance of the submissions they receive are free verse.

All poems published are accompanied by high quality, full colour illustrations.

All poems are paid for, depending on length. Payment varies between about $50 and $200 per poem.

Copyright remains with the author, and no restrictions are placed on the author concerning where else he/she might like to submit the poem for further publication.

Poems are sometimes re-printed by School Magazine. (One of my poems has been re-printed twice - making a total of three times.) Submission is always sought prior to re-printing. A separate fee is paid, though it is usually a little less. Again, copyright remains with the poet.

Payment is made upon acceptance, not publication. This is important, because years can occasionally lapse between acceptance and publication, and sometimes an accepted poem never gets published at all.

I have had somewhere between 30 and 40 poems published by NSW School Magazine over the last 20-odd years, many of them more than once.

I do not recall seeing a poem written by another ABPA member in the magazine.

Submission guidelins can be found here: ... 787966.pdf

Until recently, Learning Media Ltd. in New Zealand published a similar magazine, "New Zealand School Journal".

NZ School Journal has published two of my poems, including one, "Dad Meets the Martians", which they turned into a song and recorded on CD for distribution to every primary school in New Zealand, free of charge.

Sadly, the New Zealand government has recently announced that Learning Media Ltd. is to be privatised.

NZ School Journal is currently not accepting submissions. I am told it may eventually be revived, but will only be available to schools that are prepared to pay for it.

The Victorian government used to have its own magazine for children. I believe it was privatised in the late 80s (I was not an active contributor at the time), and for many years it was published by Pearson.

Three of my poems have been published by the Pearson school magazines.

Sadly, a couple of years ago Pearson announced they would no longer be publishing the magazines. I wrote to the Victorian Minister for Education at the time, asking if he had any contingency plans in place. He replied that he did not.

I should add that both NZ School Journal and the Pearson magazines paid contributors.

There appears to be an increasing number of on-line magazines that publish for poetry for children. However, they do not pay for contributions. There is also considerable doubt as to whether children actually read these magazines.

We live in interesting times.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

Posts: 3334
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Terry » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:39 am

Hi Manfred,
I reckon it’s having a group of enthusiast pushing things that determine how well clubs go, we have a very enthusiastic group over here that are the driving force behind what’s going on. (I don’t include myself; I’m just a minor helper).
I’m guessing that this applies to all the poetry groups around the country, the trick seems to be to keep blooding new enthusiast to take over as older members hang up their hats.
Over here a lot our members do small gigs around all the country towns under the banner of the WA Bush Poets, so the word is being constantly spread even in remote areas, I suppose much the same happens in your neck of the woods.
It seems you can’t take your foot of the pedal otherwise things decline fairly rapidly, so the recruiting of new people into the (for want of a better word) the leadership group appears to be the key, but that’s not always easy to achieve.

Cheers Terry


Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:26 am

You've nailed it Terry. I've come to realise that our poetry "festivals" are really competitions - NOT 'festivals. Unfortunately, Competitions only cater to those already in the 'business' of writing or performing poetry and exclude everyone else. Oh yes, the odd walk-in may occur but these are primarily exclusive events.

We're trying something different at North Pine this year.
Stay tuned ...

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