Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:45 pm

Just imagine if there was some grand annual event in recognition of Achievements and Contributions in the genre of Australian Bush Poetry.

And to 'win' the grand prize - a GOLDEN SUPPOsi --- (oops) I mean a GOLDEN ECHIDNA, we would put the 'nominees' through a single (competitive) presentation!! (and, if you fluff your presentation, even by ONE WRONG WORD - you're stuffed and - YOU LOSE)

I don't think so!

Rather, imagine being recognised for achievements and contributions to Bush Poetry throughout the year - and coming to Tamworth to celebrate that!

Already there are several Bush Poets events throughout the CM Festival - there would be more ...

But just imagine that GRAND show to celebrate EXCELLENCE in Australian Bush Poetry (even childrens poetry) :D

We have that talent in our midst already ... WHAT A SHOW ... (can you see it?)

I CAN!!! :D :D

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David Campbell
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by David Campbell » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:42 am

I'm confused. The nomination form for the 2014 Bush Laureate Awards states: "The Australian Bush Laureate Awards are staged in consultation with the Australian Bush Poets Association – working together for the ultimate benefit of Australian bush poets."

And I seem to remember several pages of info in the magazine detailing what had been agreed between the ABLA people (yes, I know it's a privately run business) and the ABPA about the conduct of the awards. And yet Neil says the two organisations have nothing to do with each other. "Never have, never will."

So, in the words of that well-known philosopher Pauline, would somebody "Please explain!"


Vic Jefferies
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Vic Jefferies » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:14 am

I am with you David. I clearly remember reading and hearing about the lengthy discussions and negotiations that took place between the ABPA and the ABLA and now wonder what happened to the proposed changes and new arrangements.

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Brenda Joy
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Brenda Joy » Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:20 am

Back to the AWBV&S for a bit -
Thank you David. It is great to hear that this worthy book is to be nominated for the Laureate Book of the Year and I hope that other contributors to it will also nominate individual poems from it. The more promotion we can get towards showcasing the work of current writers the better for the future of the genre.
I did put an article in the last ABPA magazine expressing what I feel is important - the movement is about all aspects of bush poetry performance and written - all the parts that make up the whole and we are lucky enough that we can indulge in any (or all) aspect that our talents and inclinations propel us towards (and just to add a comment that all must agree with - the term 'professional' can equally be applied to a writer of your achievement and calibre David as it can be to those who make money through performances).

Both versions of the AWBV&S really belong in libraries and as a curriculum resource for schools. What I am going to do as a start is to donate a copy to our Charters Towers library - a small thing but if we all gave our library a copy or took one to our high school that would be a lot of books sold and distributed.
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by David Campbell » Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:24 pm

Good ideas, Brenda. Stephen tells me that he was at a folk music meeting last night and a bloke stood up out of the blue and started talking enthusiastically about the anthology. He then did a good reading of my 'The Singer and His Song'. Apparently he'd stumbled across a copy of the book on display in our State Library, liked the poem, and headed off to Dymock's to buy it.

Just one small incident, but you never know where these things might lead. Cheered me up, anyway!


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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by keats » Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:07 pm

David, the 'consultation' does not include changing any sections that the ABLA decide to include or not include. I believe, as it was examined to me, that the ABPA only has a small say in the transperency of the judges.


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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Terry » Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:20 pm

G/day David.
If that book doesn't sell, Then it's going to be hard selling most Bush Poetry books, perhaps it brings home just how thin on the ground true lovers of bush poetry are.
I have also heard it said among bush poets that they seldom buy other poets books, which is fair enough I guess, although most will swap.

I have noticed that well know poets do have reasonable success with their merchandise after performances.

I bought Two extra copies to go with my free one just to give to friends, I might get another one to donate to my local library, at least a few more may get to read it that way - not that it will help the cause much.

Cheers Terry


Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by manfredvijars » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:00 pm

G'day David, Vic,

Max Ellis raised the issue with me a couple of weeks ago regarding the flagging number of entrants in the Children's section. The entries have been down for about four years now. Last year there were five entrants, previously the numbers were down to TWO. Low numbers prejudice the awards, so the decision was made to pull the Children's section. The hope is that in the future if there is an increased interest (and demand) there would be no hesitation in re-installing that section.

With regards to the ABPA - ABLA Agreement ...
Neil is correct, these are the areas of 'consultation' ...

a. Auditors: ABPA nominated Michael McHugh, Solicitor, who is well known to us and will make an excellent auditor. We nominate Bill Warburton an equally well known local, retired accountant. (Both have agreed) It was agreed ABLA will collate results and present the final figures with judges original voting sheets for checking.

b. Scrutineering… When the ABPA names an individual/s to go through nominations and check against rules and categories requirements, we will work out the logistics of getting a set of product and entry forms to them. No problems and most helpful for us.

c. Judging. We believe there are difficulties with specialised judges especially in view of over-lapping product and limited numbers of entries. We also feel strongly that judges should have a rounded approach, which emphasises general appeal to the poetry buyers rather than specialised detail. ABPA understands our concerns and will provide ABLA a “general judge” list, which we will draw on. We agreed that we would continue not to publish current judges names (because of possible pressure from entrants) but instead carry a list of former judges on our website.

Hope this helps ...


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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:10 am

Thanks, Manfred.

I have communicated my disappointment to the ABLA.

The point I made to them was that the 'Children's Poem of the Year' award needs to be advertised in the children's literature community to make it a success. There will never be enough writers for children amongst the ranks of the bush poets to justify the award, but there are plenty of rhyming poets amongst those who write for children. Many picture books, in particular, are written in rhyming verse. I read the various children's literature newsletters and attend seminars and meetings, and have never heard the Bush Laureate awards mentioned by anybody other than myself.

The other point I made to them was that, as a previous winner and multiple finalist in the category, it would not have been unreasonable of the ABLA to consult me for advice as to how to boost the number of entries. I am sure I could have helped them considerably. I am just kicking myself now that I wasn't more proactive about it. In fact, I was preparing a piece to send to the children's literature newsletters about the Bush Laureate awards this year (something the ABLA should have been doing themselves), which is how I found out the category had gone. I went to their web-site to check some details, and could not find it listed. It was quite a shock, I can tell you.

I think if the Bush Laureates are going to thrive, they need to be more consultative, and exhibit evidence of a fair bit more imagination than they have done to date. It's quite ironic, really. They expect all their entrants to exhibit great imagination and flair, yet their own efforts are fairly pedestrian - or so it seems to me.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2014

Post by keats » Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:33 am

I agree Stephen. That is why the ABLA are in decline, in entries, in audience and in prestige. Quite sad and a good reason why the ABPA need their own independant awards. I don't know if the ABLA can survive much longer, given the dwindling numbers of entrants and the strange mix of categories. It was once looked upon as the crowning achievement in Bush Poetry recognition, but has now simply become a commercial showcase of Country Music Scholar Students. The year before last, not even one poet was featured amongst the musicians on the advertising posters!! Commercialism at it's finest!! That is just another if the reasons that so many previous recipients now steer clear of it.



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