The unknown poets

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Neville Briggs
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The unknown poets

Post by Neville Briggs » Sat May 11, 2013 6:08 pm

About a week ago I was watching the Landline program on ABC television.

There was a feature about Winton. Apparently a film company is going to Winton and they will be making a movie about Banjo Paterson and the writing of the poem Waltzing Matilda.
There was discussion on the program about Paterson and his poetry and they showed some scenes of the Winton area and town.There was even a spokesman for the Winton Tourist Asociation who was intervewed and spoke very enthusiastically about Banjo Paterson and the coming movie making.

The thing that I did notice and wondered about was that in this program, there was no mention at all about the contemporary bush poetry scene or the renowned Bronze Swagman award for bush poetry.

Given the location and the theme of the program, I thought there might have been some passing reference...... No........ Strange. Seems a bit odd.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: The unknown poets

Post by Glenny Palmer » Sun May 12, 2013 8:24 am

Hey yeah Neville! Maybe we should give them a nudge? The ABPA poets & lots of other ones hit Winton pretty solidly in 1995 for the big celebration of Banjo's writing the words to that song 100 years prior. There were 14000 people in a town with a population of 1400!! Tent cities everywhere. It was mad! And I've got pics too.

Frank Daniel could tell you some awesome stories about that....& I was there too. I remember Doug Murray (from Channel 9 I think) sitting outside Paul's hotel (I forget its name...oowah) with all the journos, waiting for their dinner. He said a big shout went up in the pub & one of them said ''Someone musta got their meal!'' & another one said ''Nah. There's a redhead in there bringing the house down.'' (I'd struck it lucky. The boys had been labouring on with 'The Man From Snowy River' etc to no avail & when poor little me had to take the mic I bellowed at them to listen up!, as I could give them all the good excuses for staggering home tanked....but my best luck was, there was a bloke called 'Stewie' at the bar....& so he copped it brutal when I performed my 'Stuttering Stewie'......

Yeah....we should give those blighters a nudge! Get onto Louise Dean & the Winton Tourist mob.
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Re: The unknown poets

Post by Zondrae » Mon May 13, 2013 6:57 am

I have often wondered

If a few members of ABPA wrote or email the ABC once a week for a few months, asking some questions about current Australian Bush Poetry, if it would have any result. Perhaps the TV people don't know we exist. I have made myself known to both my local ABC and the community radio stations but have not (as yet) tried to break into the commercial stations. We have two. I might have a think about that. Thanks for the stimulation.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Neville Briggs
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Re: The unknown poets

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon May 13, 2013 8:42 am

It's a bit of a disappointment Glenny, Zondrae. One commentator that I read in The Australian said " poetry has receded into a seldom visited niche in world arts "
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: The unknown poets

Post by Glenny Palmer » Mon May 13, 2013 9:06 am

He really oughta get out more, Neville. (or get another job that he knows summat about!)

Hey're onto it. Sadly, in these days of media sensationalism the quality of any of our work is of no consequence. It's notoriety that gets your stuff 'out there.' I was chatting to Des Drayden one time (hot shot barrister & former Census director...gawd...) & I said I wanted to apply to the Government for a 'Heterosexual Mardi Gras'. HANG ON! HANG ON! Don't go savaging me yet......I love everybody!!...I was just making the point that the Government couldn't refuse my application because it would be 'discrimination.' I thought that'd be a helluva laugh. Anyway....he said 'Do it! Get your face on TV & then the punters will buy whatever you write!'' How depressing. But you are exactly right Zondrae. We really should organise a concerted campaign to be 'the squeaky wheel'...(wot gets the oil). Trouble is, who has the consistent time, & puff, to see it through? I might......when I get more time, & energy.... :roll:
The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others.

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