A very unimportant subject

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Bob Pacey
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:41 am

I'm sure there is something in that lot that need to be moderated but can not for the life of me figure out what ! I would just stick to the hammering nails Dave !
Ah icecream I can still remember fighting over who got to scoop out the chocolate and the vanilla , we had a lot of containers left with the red stuff in em.

Would love to have an Icecream now but the reaction on my sugar level not be toooo good and i would probably get hyperactive and want to do stuff that i really don't feel like doing at this time of day, Damm I wish this i key would weork eevery time i hit it and the o key and the e key this keyboard has a mind of it's own. anyway as i was "oh bugger that key" saying don't you worry about what they are saying Bill or Dave cause it sounds just like verbal dribble to me as well and i think we can have far more relevant conversations about poetry stuff and such or for that matter mens sheds !

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:30 am

It is verbal dribble, Bob, but it is also ice cream dribble and that, I think, is the key.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:49 am

Yes, you could be onto something, Marty.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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David Campbell
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by David Campbell » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:31 am

Marty's definitely onto something.There are those who would argue that verbal dribble and poetry are the same thing. But things are rarely as they seem, and others might claim that there just may be chocolate under the dirt and ice cream. You merely have to keep digging. (Going to be 34 degrees today, Heather...yes, please, I'd love another one!)

And here's some 'poetry stuff' for Bob. Last night's episode of New Tricks was all about murder, mayhem...and poetry. As an aphrodisiac. (Now there's a great selling point for bush poetry festivals!) Anyway, the show reminded us that Coleridge supposedly wrote Kubla Khan under the influence of an opium-induced dream, only it was left unfinished because a 'person from Porlock' interrupted his writing and he was never able to remember the rest of his vision. So don't underestimate verbal dribble...you never know where it might lead. Where does inspiration come from? Robert Frost said: "Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat." No point sitting around and waiting for it to happen to you. And look what 'Blue Poles' did for artistic dribble...

Discuss :idea:


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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:18 pm

Speaking of dribble, my son used to be in a rock band called 'The Rhetorics'. He started to explore the wonderful world of merchandising.

One day he spat in an old bottle, and put it out for sale as 'Rhetorics' Spit'.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:48 pm

David, I'm very concerned about your nails. Hammering them can't be good for them. I'm not surprised it doesn't help. Why don't you clip them like everybody else?

Circles. We are all going in circles, aren't we. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. The Earth spinning, and circling the sun. The universe (singular or plural?) constantly expanding and contracting like an old squeeze box.

Sometimes I think plastic hippies are better than the real thing. At least they can't have children, get stoned, forget they have children while the children wander off into the bush or across the road or into the next door neighbour's place where they have an unfenced swimming pool or screw the lid off the Panadol bottle and guzzle the lot or sit too close to the fire-place or wander onto the drive-way when the kombie is being backed out. They're quite decorative, too, though probably over-priced.

If you're heading up to the Murray, you'd be better off with rowlocks than dreadlocks. I suppose dreadful rowlocks are better than none at all, though sometimes you're just better off paddling.

I checked out Albert Park this morning. No cars, but plenty of boats, but I fear they were about to start sailing in circles. (By the way, Heather, I bought myself a nice wide-brimmed hat this morning, too, so you can sleep easy tonight.)

Dribbling blue poles, David? I assume you're talking about those blue icy poles. They can dribble as well as anything, though I don't know that it's especially artistic. If you wait long enough, the flies can form interesting patterns on your hand and wrist. Perhaps that's what you are talking about.

Yes, that Perlock person is a real pest. Quite pernicious. He persists in pranging my precious polangular peregrinations repeatedly. (Well, that's my excuse.)

That Robert Frost! What a dag he was, eh? Wasn't he the guy that said writing free verse is like playing tennis without a net? And just last Sunday I heard that Paul Kelly wanted to put one of his poems to music, but wasn't allowed.

I'd like to take Robert Frost by the throat. I mean, some of his stuff is great, but some of his other stuff...

Coleridge and Frost...Coleridge and Frost...isn't there something in there about an albatross and ice bergs?

Which leaves us, of course, with the elephant, and the dirty finger nails.

So, the burning question, was it chocolate, or was it dirt? Or a bit of both, perhaps, as David suggests? Dig through the chocolate, and you might find dirt underneath. Pay dirt. Golden flecks. Get out the nail file, the dolly pot, the pan, and a bucket of water. Might be in for a pleasant surprise!

Fool's gold or fool's chocolate? I know which I'd prefer.

But what about the elephant?
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Bob Pacey
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:02 pm

Oh stop it you two my head is getting sore.

;) ;) ;) :(

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David Campbell
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by David Campbell » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:09 pm

Ah no, those Blue Poles were of the Jackson Pollock variety. And as for the elephant in the chamber, here it is (a poetic panacea for Bob's sore head):

Elanora Elephant
was feeling very illephant:
“I think I need a pillephant,
I’ve got an aching bellyphant
that’s feeling very swellephant.
I’m such a silly-billyphant…
I don’t know who to tellephant!”

“Tell me!” said Doctor Octopus.
“Stop standing there in shocktopus…
no need to be a crocktopus!
But you don’t need a pillephant
to be a healthy elephant…
stop eating all that jellyphant
and soon you’ll be a wellephant!”

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Bob Pacey
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:10 pm

Most people drink heavily on a friday night ?? It is Saturday is it not ?

The purpose in life is to have fun.
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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: A very unimportant subject

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:17 pm

Qld just spent heaps of cash buying a statue of an elephant standing on its head so that it could eyeball a water rat - and then transported it up the Brisbane River on a barge. I suspect the sculptor of or even perhaps the said Elephant had perhaps been popping potions, smoking wakky baccy or something similar. Have no idea what David and Stephens excuse is??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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