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Posts: 3335
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm


Post by Terry » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:21 pm


I’m back home a couple of weeks earlier than planned; machinery problems being the main reason.
This was always going to be my last serious effort at prospecting; it’s time to move on.

The plan is now for Val and I to do a bit of traveling, so we could be passing through or near,
where many of you live, and who knows we may run into a few of you in the months ahead.
We haven’t any fixed plans of being at a particular place at any set time; we’ll just move about as the mood suits.

I’ll miss the old life but at the same time I’m really looking forward to the future.

Cheers Terry


Re: Retirement

Post by Rimeriter » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:01 pm

"G'day" Terry,
Not sure where you live and you are not sure of your travel timings.

However, should you get nearby Sydney town.

Please contact me -

Time of the Ancient Traveller.

I Must go back to the bush again, in this wide and windswept land.
All I need is the will of old to travel far overland,
across the plains and sandy dunes to where kestrels and eagles soar,
see cragged cliffs with beetling brows and hear mighty rivers roar.

I Must go back to the bush again before too much time is spent,
creeping greyness grasps my thatch as time will not relent.
More decades now have passed me by, the seventh brings more fears,
soon the time will be too late with the ever passing years.

I Must go back to the bush again, too view the vastness there,
all I need is the will of old to cast aside despair.
Cross again, those rocky ranges which are oft times tinged with blue,
see the ochres of The Centre and the mystic Uluru.

I Must go out to the bush again whilst mind and body dwells,
to see which spirits capture me then hold me in their spells.
Take me to the dreamtime, those times so long ago,
times that ancients just recall and white man may not know.

I Must hurry out to the bush again, as chalked bones - begin - to creak.
My hearing begins failing and eyesight grows too weak.
Return to the bush which bred me, it is nurtured in my breast,
sense again the power, of the Outback in the West.

(c). Rimeriter.
revised 4/05.
Translated from WriteNow 3/08.


Re: Retirement

Post by manfredvijars » Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:38 pm

Goodonya Terry ... Maybe our paths will converge, I'm "spitting the bullet" too (after biting it for so long).
Decided retire this October so I'll be on the road before long too ... :D

Posts: 3335
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Retirement

Post by Terry » Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:04 pm

G/day Jim,
If I get close to Sydney mate I'll pm you, it would be good to catch up with you.

By The way I live in Perth (when I'm home)

Last edited by Terry on Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 3335
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Retirement

Post by Terry » Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:07 pm

Hi Manfred,
I'll keep an eye out for you mate.
Irene may have started something with her part time retirement, anyone else getting ready to throw off the shackles?

Cheers terry


Re: Retirement

Post by Heather » Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:45 pm

Good on you Terry. You could start convoy! :)

Heather :)

william williams

Re: Retirement

Post by william williams » Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:35 pm

Looking for those home comforts are you Terry. Rather than the cold open air and you miss those home cooked meals. Good on you mate be glad to see you when ever you get here. regards Bill

What are we getting ichy feet Manfred.


Re: Retirement

Post by warooa » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:10 pm

AAaahh!! Just what the world needs . . . more grey nomads clogging the highways up at 85kmh :roll: :roll:

Seriously, though . . . either of you or any of you venture this way you're always welcome (Aunty Heather'll be a hard act to follow thought) :D


Posts: 3335
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Re: Retirement

Post by Terry » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:44 pm

Hi Heather,
Just what I was thinking, if we get enough starters who knows where it might end.

G/day Bill,
Hope to spend a bit more time with you this time mate.

G/day Marty,
In my case I'm fast becoming a white haired nomad mate, my lovely wife Valma, although a few years younger is not far behind me either.

If we get up your way you can be sure we'll make contact.

Regards Terry


Re: Retirement

Post by Heather » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:47 pm

Easy, just take me with you! (Pleeeesee) I don't eat much, almost house trained, good with kids and dogs (and old people).

Aunty Heather :) (That would be the kids' aunty, not Marty's aunty - he's got his own aunty) :)

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