old Memories

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william williams

old Memories

Post by william williams » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:09 pm

Old Memories by Bill Williams c

They say you may take the boy away from the bush but you can’t take the bush away from the man.

As I was about to find out as my old bones creaked and groaned as I roused myself from my bed in camp, at my favourite spot on the Murray River.

Sitting down while waited for the billy to boil I saw that things were a bit different now compared to what they were like years ago when I was a young lad.

While waiting my mind had crept back to the year I first came here I think it was in 1954 the year of the Queens coronation or some thing like that. In those early days we all rode on the back or stood on the running boards of the old Ute ready to jump of and push if we were needed sand or mud we saw it all as the years went by, in those days it would take us all day to get there from Melbourne.

What a place it was, the river gracefully flowing through majestic River Red gums with dark green leaves hanging down shading the water, colourful parrots flitting through their branches ducks and pelicans sitting on the sand bar or gently swimming around, kangaroos drinking at the other side of the river,
If you could just see it in your minds eye you’d know why I love that place where you may sit and relax and dream your troubles away.

Just then the kettle whistled, cursing I filled my mug, and sat back and I closed my eyes letting my mind wander back, when a vision of mum and dad appeared and I remember dad would sneak of into the scrub with a couple of rabbit traps hoping for success, us kids would play down on the sand bar and swim until mum called us for lunch or tea.

After tea dad and I would go and do some fishing for cod or yellow belly or catfish if we were lucky fresh fish for dinner tomorrow or if dad was lucky fresh rabbit.

I later sat by the fire thinking about mum dad and our friends who have since passed away and I can still remembered seeing the birds flying to their roosts swans flying over head with their honks and the whistling of the ducks wings as they too, left for their beds.

At night time I would creep into my bed afraid that it would be all be gone in the morning but to my delight it would still be their when I awoke.

As the years rolled on by I often returned to that spot and it is still the same, a place of memories and relaxation. I awoke with a start from my daydreaming and finished my coffee and thought back on what I was day dreaming about and smiled to myself.

Mum and dad have passed on but I still return and still it holds the same meaning to me now
as it did then. I Only wish that I had children in which to share this place of piece and happiness

Neville Briggs
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Re: old Memories

Post by Neville Briggs » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:52 pm

That's very good Bill, well written and just the right touch for that story.

It's interesting that the place hasn't changed. So often places of my memories have changed, never to be able to be what they were before.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: old Memories

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:26 am

It sounds a lovely spot Bill and how lucky it is unchanged - so many places like this get ruined by car parks and kids playgrounds etc etc.

Always great to go and sit a while and let the memories flow - gives us back that inner peace that so many of us I think are missing, and yet often don't realize we are.

Lovely story Bill told in your special way, and I very much enjoyed reading it and seeing it through your eyes. Thank you.


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I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

william williams

Re: old Memories

Post by william williams » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:37 am

Thank you everyone that particular area is on the murray river in the Kolcine forest.

There are many many spots along that 50 miles of river that are still virtuly untouched and just as peacefull.

bill the old battler


Re: old Memories

Post by Rimeriter » Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:22 pm


"Thanks" Bill.

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