Franks Tribute

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william williams

Franks Tribute

Post by william williams » Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:24 am

Struth, 125 ks each way but well worth the trip to Crookwell and back as it was worth the trip
it was Friday night and was that old larrikin Frank Daniel tribute night

Our MC for the night The Rhymer From Ryde and there were many there to wish the old fella well.

Frank like the old trooper that he is, took a tumble the week before and tried to knock some bricks out of the wall with his head but you all know him didn’t do any damage to the wall an didn’t knock any sense into to him either but, it did leave him a bit shaken.

But there many friends there to greet him. Yes there were far more than I would care to count but Spud Murphy and The Rhymer from Ryde rose to the occasion and presented him with a beautiful Wool wagon memento of all that he had done.
I will not mention those that were there as there would be to many names to write and I may not mention them all but needless to say a great night was had by all


bill the old battler

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