The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Terry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:43 am

Hi again Bob,
I suppose we all have stories that may not seem anything special to ourselves but others may find interesting, I've certainly got a few tucked away as you say.
I lashed out and bought a laptop to take bush with me intending to do a bit of writing of an evening, but once I caught up with my mate we just sat around the campfire sorting out the worlds problems most nights and then hit the sack. I never even unpacked the computer, ah well maybe next trip.

Thanks Marty,
You would have loved this dingo youngster and he could easily have been tamed, darn near was anyway.
How are your mates doing on the Palmer? as I mentioned in a reply to you on another thread I have always been fascinated with the area after reading the book 'A River Of Gold', it was a great yarn

Hi Maureen,
There is something special about being more or less adopted by a wild animal, it really does leave you feeling pretty pleased with yourself. Mind you when it would lay there howling it did cross my mind that it may be calling up its mates with the news it had another meal lined up and could do with a bit of help.
Seriously though he was just like an overgrown pup and quite playful.

Cheers Terry

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Bob Pacey
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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Bob Pacey » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:14 pm

I'd scrap the computor and get a little recorder Terry that way you can just record them and use the computer when you get time.

Last edited by Bob Pacey on Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Terry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:42 pm

Good thinking Bob,
I hate to admit this but I actually have a little hand held Sony Digital recorder with lots of memory, but in my usual muddleheaded way never thought of taking it up bush. In the past I just took pad and pencil, can't for the world of me think why the penny didn't drop mate.
Thanks for reminding me, it seems I don't only have a crook knee, but the brain department could do with an overhaul as well.

Cheers Terry

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Bob Pacey
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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Bob Pacey » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:46 pm

I use my mobile phone for the same reason Terry. I think of something and can get it down quickly for review later.

Hope all is well and you are only home to cash in a big nugget !!!

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!


Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Heather » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:05 pm

Magic moments like that make you know it's good to be alive. Loved it and thanks for sharing it Terry.

Heather :)

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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Terry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:48 pm

Hi Bob,
I'm mainly home early because our bloke with the machinery couldn't get organized in time, I still have a few minor heath niggles but would have stuck it out if the machinery had made it.

I thought you may be interested in why we named this spot 'Cripple Creek" it started last year I think, or was it the year before, when my mate hurt his back putting him out of action for a few days. Before that the dry easterlies (this was the year of the drought) played havoc with his sinuses. Then low and behold I had something go wrong with me (not sure what it was now) anyway it seemed logical to call the place 'Cripple Creek'

Thanks Heather,
Yes there was a touch of magic about it all, you just never know when these moments will pop up do you.

Next trip my wife and I are going to do a trip on our own and I'm really looking forward to it, without a doubt those years when we were prospecting together stand out head and shoulders above any other time.

Cheers Terry

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Re: The Dingoes of Cripple Creek

Post by Terry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:38 pm

G/day Matt,
Yea nothing too serious mate.

I understand congratulations are in order, I saw you had picked up a HC for your 'Tie A Yellow Ribbon In Her Hair'

Well done Matt


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