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Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:01 pm
by william williams
Bungendore as always good though this year the number were down a little and the reason is known for this was because of the lack of advertising at all levels from the show committee not advertising the poets breakfast and our local Canberra Free paper not being a part of it through lack of notification and I must admit, I never put a notice in our Forum in time for people to avail them selves to the opportunity to attend and be a part of it.

But sad news came to hand that our own MC Frank Daniel was laying crook in bed.

But there was help at hand.

Greg North that BUMBLING LOVABLE FOOL HARDY COMEDIAN MC took control (or did he) of the situation.

Saturday Morning saw 58 brave souls face the barrage of Paterson’s works so disjointed and twisted that it made them weep from laughter about from the Man from Snowy River, Clancy of the Overflow, even Clancy’s Great Grandson even got into the act.

Lorraine McCrimmons, Barry Martin, John Davis, and that sneaky Bill Williams told them the reason why his waist line is like it is.
But amongst us along with the help and sort of control by Greg North we helped to entertain the mob.

Sunday morning 52 lucky people plus the four mentioned above plus four more Michelle Brock, Allison, our own Marty Boy and Terry Piggot, all stood ready to help once again should Greg fail.
“BUGGER IT” but once again like a true trooper he didn’t

AS a result a good and happy morning was enjoyed by all. Mind you I think Greg is heading for a Bex power and a lay down to settle his nerves GOOD ON YOU GREG YOU NEED A MEDAL TO PIN ON YOUR CHEST. BUT FIRST OF ALL WHERE IS YOUR FLAMMIN CHEST



Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:43 pm
by Zondrae
"You said, 'Cheese Head'", she said

If you have heard Greg do this one you have indeed been blessed. Dressed in drag (well kind of) he recites (with perfection) his very original work about two oldies talking. At least one of them is hard of hearing, which leads to all kinds of confusion. The first time I heard it I developed cramps in my cheeks from laughing. It was almost as good as Martin Pearson's 'Festival Potato' routine. That one had me laughing so hard that tears were running down my face. It was the best belly laugh I had had in years.


Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:15 pm
by mummsie
Well done fellas for keeping the flag flying. It was too soon after Tamworth for me. Have you got any photos to share?



Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:22 pm
by Heather
Me too. It was a tad too far to drive for breakfast! :) It sounds like it went well though.

Heather :)


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:40 am
by Neville Briggs
Sorry I couldn't make it Bill. I'll get down south one day :)


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:51 am
by Bob Pacey
Sounds like you all had fun and thats what it is all about.

Cheers Bob