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Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio National)

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:08 am
by Stephen Whiteside
I have been asked to attend the ABC Southbank studios on Wednesday, 31.08, at 11.30 am for an interview with 'Bush Telegraph', a program on Radio National. I assume it will go live to air.

The interview has been prompted by the recent logging activity at Sylvia Creek, near Toolangi, and my involvement in the opposition to it. I am not an expert on logging, although I think I know enough not to make a fool of myself (touch wood!). The real reason for me being on the program, though, is to talk about CJ Dennis and his involvement with the area, and the future of his former home, once known as 'Arden', now 'The Singing Gardens'.

I am sure there is support amongst some Toolangi residents for logging of the local forests, but many are also vehemently opposed. Reasons are wide and varied. Many don't like the increasing traffic of logging trucks on the local roads. The wine growers don't like the smoke from the burning that follows the clearfelling.

Opposition goes much deeper than this, however. The forests around Toolangi are now referred to as 'the hole in the donut'. This is because they escaped the fires of Black Saturday, while all around was burnt. It is probably their great age that protected them. (Recent research shows that more recently logged forests are more fire prone.) They are proud of their forests, and don't like seeing them deliberately destroyed. Some of the trees now being cut down are over 100 years old.

Then there is the question of the wildlife, especially the endangered species. The most prominent of these is the Leadbeater's Possum, which only exists in the Central Highlands of Victoria. It was believed to be extinct in 1961, then re-discovered. Its numbers took a real battering after Black Saturday, though, and it is believed to now be inhabiting areas of forest that are from ideal for it, simply because so much of its prime habitat has been burnt. Part of this area very possibly includes the forests that have recently been cut down.

A local environment group, 'My Environment Inc.' applied for an injunction against the logging in the Supreme Court. As a result of this, a temporary injunction was opposed last Friday. This lasts for three weeks, allowing a more comprehensive discussion to take place.

As I say, I expect to be talking more about CJ Dennis than the logging, but I imagine I will be touching on both.

If you have a chance on the day, you might like to tune in. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:39 am
by Neville Briggs
If you miss the program, the ABC Radio National website usually archives their programs for a few days and you can listen on-line, sometimes the programs can be downloaded to MP3.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:59 am
by Neville Briggs
Stephen , I had a listen in. They gave you a good opportunity to speak about C.J. Dennis and the announcer was right on side for bush poetry. Good show. I can't comment on logging, out of my knowledge zone.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:37 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
From what I hear, Marty, most of the wood is used for chipping, which is in turn used for office paper.

I did see a deer while I was driving up there recently. I'm told there are quite a few around.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:04 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Thanks, Marty. I know you're not a greenie, so it's interesting - and encouraging - to get your support.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:16 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Well, they talk of 80 year cycles, which are becoming 50 year cycles (again, so I'm told), and they burn afterwards and re-seed with eucalypt, so it seems they are effectively replacing forest with eucalypt plantation.

Re: Toolangi to feature on 'Bush Telegraph' (ABC Radio Natio

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:46 am
by Zondrae
Morning Stephen and everyone,

Driving home from Queensland, we took a rather circular route through central NSW, my thoughts were of the devistation the local flora and fauna have suffered because of broad acre farming - all those sterile stretches of paddocks of wheat, cotton, canola, etc.. I know we have to eat but it still made me sad. Then we hit the 'hills' and we saw some road kill. While it was a pity to see two Echidna, a couple of Hares about 30 Wombats and uncounted roos of varying size and species, by the road, it was at least testament to the face that they still exist.