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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:42 pm
by mummsie
What a hoot, had a ball, not sure who laughed the most, me or the oldies.Got to do 12 recitals, and if this is what recitings all about; I'm hooked. Got off to a great start, after setting up our small stage, went to take a seat to have a quick chat to one of the ressies, chair gave way and down I went, flat on my back, :oops: :oops: not quiet the start I was looking for, but bought a raucous wave of laughter from the audience. Back on my feet in a dash and quipped ''hope you are all wearing your teena pads, cause by the sounds of it you'll need them. :lol: :lol: Just as well I've got a sense of humour. :lol:
Thank you all for your support and advice, appreciated.
[ Pride still in tack] Sue


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:31 pm
by Bob Pacey
Great to hear Sue. Yep ya gotta roll with the flow and you will find most crowds just want a laugh so even the most corny stuff will work sometimes.

Congratulations welcome to the stage.
We all started there.



Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:42 pm
by Heather
Sounds fantastic Sue. Maybe you should try the falling off the chair each performance to get them all warmed up! You go girl!

Heather :)


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:49 pm
by Kym
Good on you Sue! I am trying, very hard, to force myself to get up on stage. I went to a poetry and music afternoon at the art gallery on Sunday and ended up doing, I think, 8 (?) poems! Bob, you know the place - I didn't even get shaky voice there! I even surprised myself!!! On Friday, I'm going to Bauhinia House and do poetry for the retirees. Maybe that's what I've gotta do, hey? Have a go, have another go, etc, etc, until the shaky voice just goes away??? :? I figure I won't get any better unless I keep trying.

Good on ya Sue, you've given me a bit more courage ... :)



Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:52 pm
by Heather
Go Kymmie, go!


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:08 pm
by mummsie
Thanks Bob and Heather.
Kym I've read some of your work, it is brilliant. That sort of talent needs to be showcased, so go out their and show it to the public, I think your right, the more times you do it the more comfortable you'll become with it.I've taken on my grandsons advice "Nan, if it don't kill ya, it makes you stronger''Best advice I've ever received.


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:19 pm
by Zondrae
Some small consolation Kym,

It only took me around 8 years to get control of most of my stage nerves. I still choke up at some of my poems and even if I have been doing them for years. The last stanza and particularly the last line of Uncle Clyde always gets me. I think the audience are empathetic to this. But I was determined to do it. Performing for a captave audience is a good idea.


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:41 pm
by Neville Briggs
Fantastic Sue :) very pleased to hear that.
I thought that your sitting down with the audience before your appearance was an excellent choice. They are not just faces out there then, but people you have spoken with and have already related to. Makes a big difference I think, for you and them.

Good on you too Kym. I think doing bush poetry for people in retirement lodges is a great experience. They take you for what you are and are very appreciative of the company, and they love poetry, as long as it is not too long. ;)


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:49 pm
by Kym
Hahahaaa Zondrae, a captive audience - I'll hide all their wheely-walkers and bolt the doors!
Neville, do you think the people's heads tilting foward, accompanied by snoring and drooling is a sign that the poem is too long? :?

Sue, I don't think I'll copy your idea about the stacking it off a chair to start the laughter though - but that was quick thinking on your part about the Tena undies! Very clever and quick thinking on your feet, oops, I mean, on your butt! :lol:


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:24 pm
by Bob Pacey
Ok Kym just do not get too good I don't need the competition :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll let you know if anything comes up so you can have a go.

And yes you are right the nerves go with confidence and it is so much easier when you get there a little earlier and mingle with the people that you are performing for.

Sue you have a ready made audience at the van park and most will want you to do well so give that a go as well. getting money off grey nomads as Neil will tell is hard but they have a ton of fun and reallly react with you.

The think i have had to work on is waiting for the laugh, it is almost as important as nailing the poem.

Great stuff both of you.

Cheers Bob