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Broken Ski Award

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:06 pm
by Zondrae
G'day fellow writers.

In conjunction with the Snowy Mountains of Music Festival, held at Perisher-Smiggins, over the June Long weekend, there is a written poetry competition. I don't have the link but if you go to their website you will find the details. Poems can be lodged on line. I don't think there are any entry fees. No fantastic million dollar prizes but it is all in the spirit of fostering the writing of Austrlaian poetry. Chase it up if you are at all interested.

This year the featured poets are Geoffrey W Graham and Jim Haynes. I am on the programme too as a filler. This is the third year of this festival and we have had great snowfalls each year so far. Luckily the festival provide transport between the venues. I would hate to have to trudge too far in that knee deep snow. It is a great chance to get up close to the entertainers as they stay in the lodges with other festival goers.