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Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 10:39 am
by Vic Jefferies

Good Morning Everyone,

The Gosford Bush Poets meet at 7pm next Wednesday night (25/5) in the conference room of the Gosford Hotel, corner of Mann and Erina Streets, Gosford, for another of their legendary and very enjoyable nights of fun, fine poetry, sparkling verse and very much camaraderie.

We shan't be having a guest artist this month so everyone will have the opportunity of presenting two items. Sharpen up your poetry, invigorate your verse, practice smiling and make sure that you are with us next Wednesday night for what is always a great night.

Entrance is entirely free, everyone is welcome and we would dearly love to see you join us for dinner in the pub's brilliant bistro from about 5.30pm onwards before we kick off upstairs at 7pm.

For further information ring me on 0425252212 or me mate Peter Mace 43693561.

Very Best Regards,

Vic Jefferies