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Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:10 pm
by Vic Jefferies

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Absolute cracker of a night at the Gosford Bush Poets last Wednesday night, with a virtual plethora of local talent reading, reciting and presenting a wonderful assortment of original and traditional poetry, song and verse.

Queensland poet "Long John" Best and his lovely wife, Glenny, who are on the road traveling southward, called in to visit the GBPs and John, who is one of this country's most accomplished bush poets, entertained us all in his inimitable style with some great original poetry. We wish John and Glenny a safe journey and hope they will return to the GBPs in the not too distant future.

Good to welcome home some of our members from their recent international travels and also very pleasing to see a number of newcomers come along and share what was a really good night of fun and friendship.

During the night we heard from: Jack Woodward; Chris Kessey; Richard Smith; Tom Roberts; Kevin Gee; Norman Allen; Peter Mace; Jan Lock; Chris Shaw; Chris Drinan; Kathy Smithson; Marie Wellard; Bob Wellard; Ellen Hingston and Nick Lock.

Now, we were slightly undecided on Wednesday night, but I have just been informed that our guest artist this month will be non other than the man of a hundred accents (and nearly as many hats) the incredibly talented and very entertaining Mr Greg North!

Greg is without doubt one of the most talented presenters of bush poetry in Australia and I really do suggest that you make sure to be at the Gosford Hotel at 7pm on the last Wednesday of this month (28/10) for one of the best nights you will have this year!

Entrance as always will be entirely free, everyone is welcome and we would love to see you join us for dinner in the pub's bistro from about 5.30pm onwards.

For further information contact me on 0425252212 or me mate Peter Mace on 43693561.

Very Best Regards

Vic Jefferies