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Walkamin Written Bush Poetry Competition 2015

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:52 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Hi All

A written bush poetry competition is being held in conjunction with the 2015 Far North Queensland Country Music Festival at Mareeba. It is not listed on our website events page, so may not be ABPA sponsored - but still presents an opportunity for you to "expose" your verses if interested!

Details are:

Entry forms available from
Kay Kiely
PO Box 1798
Ph: 07 40933910 or 0438451798
Entries close 1st October, 2015
Maximum 2 poems @ $10 per poem
Please return completed form
& nomination money to above address

When I received my entry form, it read as if it was for a performance competition, however on enquiring I received the following reply from Kay Kiely:

Hi Shelley, it is a written comp, you will be judged on your poem,the poem is not to be longer than 4 mins and original, you do not have to be here to recite it, if you win I will let you know (I will need your ph no) and your poem will be recited, all poems will not be recited as I have only 2 hours on Saturday and on Sunday at the breakfasts, there is a trophy and money for 1st prize and money for 2nd and 3rd, which I will send to you, I will also send you the 3 judges comments, I also hope to put the winners in eMuse and ABPA.