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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:12 am
by Frank Daniel
From Lyndy Cornwell

Dear Bush Poet,
As Secretary of the Camden Show Society, and on behalf of the
Committee, I would like to invite you to be involved in our 125th Annual
Agricultural Show to be held on Saturday 9th April 2011.
For 2011 we are planning a real extravaganza!
The Governor General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, will officially
open the Show on Saturday at 4.30 pm and to follow the Mounted Police
Musical Ride and Police Band. The Programme is packed over both Friday
and Saturday with agricultural and entertainment highlights.
Poet’s Arvo Tea and Smoko.
is a special new feature for 2011, this event will be held both on Friday
afternoon at 3.00pm and Saturday morning at 10.30 am in the “History
and Education Area” beside the Drovers Camp. Dennis “Dingo”
Dryden will be the MC and co-ordinate the event. Patrons of the
Show are invited to perform “walk up” poems on either one or both
days. Original Poems must keep introductions to a minimum. Recitals
a maximum of 10 verses. Prizes available and there will be
an MC’s Choice Award for the best Poem.
at the Drovers Camp, Heritage Lane
Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested as
we would like to make this inaugural event a great success. If you are
interested in attending, please contact the Camden Show Office at or phone 02 4655 8338 to register your interest.
Check out our website:
I look forward to hearing from you!!
Lyndy Cornwell
The Camden Show Society Inc
P O Box 43 CAMDEN NSW 2570 Ph 02 46558338 Fax 02 46559847 Email
After 125 years...‘Still a Country Show’
The 125th Anniversary
Camden Show
Friday 8th & Saturday 9th April 2011