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Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:12 am
by Vic Jefferies

The Gosford Bush Poets meet at 7pm tonight, Wednesday 25, in the conference room of the Gosford Hotel, cnr Mann and Erina Streets, Gosford, to share another great night of fine poetry, scintillating verse, heaps of fun and very much friendship!

We shall not be having a guest artist which means everyone gets a chance to present two items during the evening and we are looking forward to hearing some great poetry from the Gosford Bush Poeteers.

Entrance is absolutely and totally free, everyone is welcome and we would dearly love to see you join us in the pub's amazing bistro for dinner from about 5.30pm onwards. Don't worry if you come late, we will be the mob sitting at the long table near the coffee machine and whenever you can make it is good enough.

Very best Regards,

Vic Jefferies