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Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:26 am
by Kym
Sounds wonderful.

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:34 pm
by Mal McLean
Now in my diary.


Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:34 pm
by manfredvijars
Hic .... ;)

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:33 pm
by Mal McLean
Symposium? Isn't a discussion about a group of poets meeting informally merely hear say?

Mal the Oldfart :lol:

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:58 pm
by Mal McLean
Hmmmm, whats the best way to get from Brissie to Laggan? 1254 k's by the coast road.


Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:12 pm
by Dave Smith

Would there by a shed of sorts where one could throw a swag? And be under cover in case of inclement weather.

I wish it was only 1254k's from Collie.

TTFN 8-)

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:07 am
by Zondrae
Too close to say no!

This one is almost at our doorstep, give or take a 4 hour drive (?). So pencil me in.
(God willin n the crik don't rise)

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:45 am
by Zondrae

Well that depends on who is driving.....
Canberra is about 3 hours and we used to live a Marulan (for about 8 months one winter) so I have an idea of the distance. I used to go to Golburn for groceries once a week. We camp and can be pretty self sufficient (except for water) if necessary.

Who is going to do the organising? are we going to perform for each other or is it a writing (with help) weekend? If so who will be the 'tutor'? What about we non-drinkers? Is arrival at a 'not before' time or is it come whenever? Or am I too early with the questions? Am I the only one asking questions?

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:21 am
by Dave Smith
zondrae wrote:
we used to live a Marulan (for about 8 months one winter)
Winter 8 months Zondrae come live in Collie we get about 4 months.

This camping weekend sounds great unfortunately we are leaving on a desert trip on the 24 Sep so the weekend before might be cutting it a bit fine for me, darn. :cry:

TTFN 8-)

Re: Southern Tablelands September Symposium

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:58 pm
by Zondrae
Thanks Marty,

It's not me that asks these things. It's my roadie. (heehee) Don't tell him I called him that will you.